‘This book masterfully illustrates the seemingly boundless impact of digitalization on flourishing urban centers. Digitalization changes roles and business models and necessitates an entirely new governance structure. The smart city management model introduce here merges these elements in an impressive manner.’
- Josef Schmid, Mayor of Munich,
‘”Smart city” is the new buzzword, yet what does it really signify? With this book, the University of St. Gallen has made a significant contribution toward a profound understanding of smart cities. It offers valuable insights for the initiation and realization of smart city processes.’
- Benoit Revaz, Director of the Swiss Federal Department of Energy,
‘Digitalization is an opportunity as well as a challenge for cities. There is no ‘silver bullet’ for the development of smart cities. However, functional strategies with the proper methodology do exist, as this insightful book proves. It further becomes apparent that open-mindedness and interdisciplinary collaboration are decisive.’
- Urs Schäppi, CEO of Swisscom,
‘Energy consumption and emissions, the safety of urban populations, and ever-increasing traffic constitute utmost pressing issues for contemporary cities. Smart cities and intelligent buildings promise to solve these challenges. This book portrays precise ways in which cities can become smart cities.’
- Matthias Rebellius, CEO of Siemens Building Technologies,
‘Smart cities require suitable technologies, sustainable business models, and proper administration processes. This book conveys concrete ways of how cities can become smart cities.’
- Oliver Deuschle, Leader of SMIGHT at EnBW,
‘This book succinctly expresses why only one smart city can persist in face of location competition.’
- Yvonne Beutler, Vice President of City Council, Winterthur, Switzerland,
‘Digitalization opens up myriad development possibilities in cities. This book expertly delineates various “best practices” as well as core elements of a systematic and strategic approach.’
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society,
‘Municipal utilities not only construct and operate essential digital infrastructure, but also new services for a smart city—from waste disposal “on demand” to electromobility. This book can especially assist small public utility companies in their efforts to develop and realize a strategy for their smart city.’
- Katherina Reiche, General Manager of Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V.,
‘The realization of smart city projects presupposes a uniform understanding of their relevant dimensions. This book and its smart city management model offer the ideal foundation for this crucial unification.’
- Orlando Gehrig, Leader of Swisspower Innovation,