Section 1: Scientific Research, Writing, and Publishing 1. Ken Hyland, "The scholarly publishing landscape" 2. Sarah Tinker Perrault, "The Evolution of Author Functions in Scientific Communication" 3. Michelle Sidler, "The New Norm: Open Access Publishing and Scientific Research" 4. Mya Poe, "Ethical Issues in Scientific Publication: Rapidly-Evolving Practices in the Global Scientific Community" 5. Natasha Jones, "Black Feminist Thought in Scientific Communication" 6. Lillian Campbell, "Gender and Scientific Communication" 8. Brad Mehlenbacher and Ashley Mehlenbacher, "Peer Review in Scientific Publishing" 9. Cheryl L. Sheridan, "Editorial Peer Review at Basic and Applied Science Journals in the Semi-Periphery Context of Taiwan" 10. Tomás Koch, "Why I should cite you? The evolving role of documentation and citation in scholarly communication" 11. Glenn Hampson, "Measuring Impact" 12. Lisa DeTora & Sabrina Sibel, "Collaborative Models for Scientific Writing" 13. Jennifer Mallette, "Expanding Expertise in Communicating Science through Public and Citizen Science" 14. Maurizio Gotti, "Scientific Communication in English as a Second Language" Section 2: Scientific Communication Genres 15. Marina Bondi, "The Scientific Article: Variation and Change in Knowledge Communication Practices" 16. Judy Noguchi, "Reviewing the scientific review article" 17. Begoña Bellés Fortuño, "Grant Proposals in the Academic sphere: A Historical Review" 18. Colleen Reilly, "Searching for the ‘Magic Elixir’: Uncertainty in Developing Specific Aims and Broader Impacts for NIH and NSF Grants" 19. Kalie Mae Leonard, "Examining Tensions Between Technical Communication Principles and Scientific Practice: Does Jargon Belong on Scientific Posters?" 20. Chad Wickman, "The Medical Case Report as Genre and Social Practice" 21. Maureen Mathison, "Scientific Letters and Commentaries in their Historical and Social Contexts" 22. Justin Mando, "Scientist Citizens: Non-Traditional and Alternative Approaches to Scientific Communication" Section 3: Scientific Visuals and Multimedia 23. Danielle DeVasto, "Speaking to the Eyes: A Historical Overview of Data Visualization in the Sciences" 24. Vaclav Brezina & Raffaella Bottini, "Statistics and data visualization" 25. Jonathan Buehl, "Graphical Abstracts: Visually Circulating Scientific Arguments" 26. Lauren E. Cagle, "Doing Science Digitally: The Role of Multimodal Interactive Representations in Scientific Rhetoric" 27. Amy Propen, "Science Communication, Visual Rhetoric, and eBird: The Role of Participatory Science Communication in Fostering Empathy for Species" Section 4: Scientific Communication Pedagogy 28. Kate Maddalena, "Emerging Practices in Science Communication Pedagogy" 29. James Corcoran & Karen Englander, "Pedagogies for Supporting Global Scientists’ Research Writing" 29. Gwendolynne Reid, "Threshold Concepts in Scientific Writing Literacy: What Citizens and Scientists Need to Know About Scientific Writing" 30. Moriah Ariely & Anat Yarden, "Language as a realization of scientific reasoning in scientific texts, and its importance for promoting secondary school students’ disciplinary literacy" 31. Yael Barel-Ben David & Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, "Professional development in science communication for practicing scientists: the role of science communication training programs in shaping participating scientists’ skills" 32. Jenna Morton-Aiken, "Grand Challenges: A Case Study in the Complications of and Best Practices for Writing Across the Curriculum in Scientific and Technical Communication Classrooms" 33. Susanne Hall, "Disciplinary Expertise, Writing Centers, and STEM Writers"
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