'The breathtaking speed with which new media technologies enter and affect our lives has left us both bewildered and excited, whether we encounter them as workers or audiences. Gerard Goggin helps us navigate this complex terrain in a book that is timely, smart, comprehensive, and pointed.' - Toby Miller, co-author of Greening the Media 'Some thinkers wonder whether new media make us stupid. Gerard Goggin doesn't think so, and proves it in this smart book. Goggin is a refreshingly sane guide to the perpetually troublesome topic of digital technologies. His critical framing, historical sense, and knack for juicy examples plucked from around the globe cut through the fog of hype that clings to this subject. Amid so much commotion, Goggin retains his moral and human compass, understanding that no matter how mysterious technologies are, they always depend upon even more mysterious creatures, human beings.' - John Durham Peters, University of Iowa, USA 'This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the dramatic impact of new technologies on the media. Avoiding the usual hype and polarized positions, Goggin provides a coherent and accessible account of the way digital devices are reshaping the press and broadcasting, and why we should care.' - Judy Wajcman, London School of Economics, UK ' New Technologies and the Media is something of a breath of fresh air in the closed room of new media studies, making use of a strong sense of media history as a means of carefully sorting out the myths from the realities in contemporary accounts of media transformation. This is a useful and much-needed book.' - Graeme Turner, University of Queensland