Biographical note
Thierry Montmerle has been General Secretary of the IAU from 2012 to 2015. In the framework of the centenary celebrations of the creation of the IAU and four other International Unions in 1919, he and co-Editor Danielle Fauque have edited a companion book entitled “Astronomers as Diplomats”, in the Historical and Cultural Astronomy Series. Montmerle had previously written two papers on the history of the IAU in the "IAU Centenary Symposium" held during the IAU General Assembly in Vienna (2018). During his long career in astrophysics since his PhD (1975), he has edited many proceedings of international conferences (including the IAU General Assembly in Honolulu, 2015, edited by Cambridge University Press), and also contributed to books edited by Springer (Young Sun, Early Earth, and the Origin of Life, 2012; Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2015+), as well as popularizing books in astronomy.
Yi Zhou is a seasoned journalist/translator/researcher based in Paris, France, and a curious observer of current world events. He is passionate about contemporary history and investigative journalism. He has worked for the Chinese service of French public radio station, Radio France Internationale (RFI), since 2015. Previously, he finished his high school in Columbus, Ohio, USA. He went on studying in France at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (“Sciences Po”) for both of his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, specializing in political and social sciences. He obtained a Master’s degree in International Affairs and Development from the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po. Coming from China and having studied in the USA, France and the Netherlands, this has given him a special set of understanding, skills and rare experience in dealing with cross regional and international political and social subjects.