Prepublication endorsement: 'Well-meaning proponents of women in science continue to downplay - or even deny - the pervasive personal and career difficulties faced by women scientists. Pretending that these problems don't exist does nothing to improve the scientific climate for women or men. Athena Unbound gives us the research we need to acknowledge and begin to address these problems.' Mary Morse, author of Women Changing Science: Voices from a Field in Transition
' … good on social insight'. Joan Mason, Chemistry in Britain
'I found Athena Unbound so gripping that I read it in one sitting. I expect that many women scientists, and their families, will find that it articulates as a general problem issues they have encountered in their own careers.' Alison Winter, American Scientist
'… this book has much to recommend it.' Jan Leach, Chemistry & Industry
' … a timely contribution. While the book's focus is on academic science, it can claim greater breadth because of its concern with 'the quality of women's experience in academic science', including how they are educated in college and graduate school … [There's much to like in this book] … Athena Unbound is full of righteous indignation, and it makes many important points.' Chemical and Engineering News
' … the authors' quantitative analysis method is respectable.' Nature