Securitizing Water - Úrsula Oswald Spring and Hans Günter Brauch
Global Water Issues Confronting Humanity - Malin Falkenmark
The New Blue and Green Water Paradigm: Breaking New Ground for Water Resources Planning and Management - Malin Falkenmark and Johan Rockström
Transitions towards Adaptive Management of Water Facing Climate and Global Change - Claudia Pahl-Wostl
Global Water Resources - I. Shiklomanov
Avert Looming Hydrocide - Jan Lundqvist
Water Scarcity as a Source of Crises - Ashok Swain
Water and Conflict: Fresh Water Resources and International Security - Peter Gleick
Global Hydrological Cycles and World Water Resources - Taikan Oki and Shinjiro Kanae
Entering an Era of Water Scarcity: The Challenges Ahead - Sandra Postel
Global Water Resources: Vulnerability from Climate Change and Population Growth - Charles Vörösmarty et al.
Groundwater Management and Socioeconomic Responses - Jacob Burke, Claude Sauveplane and Marcus Moench
Stationarity Is Dead: Whither Water Management? - P.C.D. Milly et al.
On the Verge of a New Water Scarcity: A Call for Good Governance and Human Ingenuity - Malin Falkenmark
Saving Water: From Field to Fork – Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain - J. Lundqvist, C. de Fraiture and D. Molden
The Value of Cooperation in Resolving International River Basin Disputes - Peter Rogers
The War over Water - John Cooley
Water Wars - Joyce Starr
Water and International Conflict - Helga Haftendorn
Water Wars: Fact or Fiction - Ashok Swain
Conflict and Co-operation in International Freshwater Management: A Global Review - Erik Mostert
Water Wars: Obscuring Opportunities - Karin Bencala and Geoffrey Dabelko
Capturing the Nature of Cooperation, Unstable Cooperation and Conflict over International Rivers: The Story of the Indus, Yarmouk, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers - Neda Zawahri
Hydro-Hegemony a Framework for Analysis of Transboundary Water Conflicts - Mark Zeitoun and Jeroen Warner
The Political Context of Conflict and Cooperation over International River Basins - Frederick Frey
Transboundary Water Interaction I: Reconsidering Conflict and Cooperation - Mark Zeitoun and Naho Mirumachi
The Need for Flexibility in Freshwater Treaty Regimes - Stephen McCaffrey
Conflict and Cooperation along International Waterways - Aaron Wolf
Beyond the River: The Benefits of Cooperation on International Rivers - Claudia Sadoff and David Grey
The Past, Present, and Future of Water Conflict and International Security - David Kreamer
Reframing the Water Security Dialogue - Dan Tarlock and Patricia Wouters
“Water, Water Everywhere...” Improving the Availability of Clean Water and Sanitation - Allerd Stikker and Dorota Juchniewicz
The Sustainability and Resilience of Global Water and Food Systems: Political Analysis of the Interplay between Security, Resource Scarcity, Political Systems and Global Trade - Jeremy Allouche
Domestic Water and Sanitation as Water Security: Monitoring, Concepts and Strategy - David Bradley and Jamie Bartram
Water Security: Why It Matters and What to Do about It - John Briscoe
Addressing the Global Water and Environment Crises through Integrated Approaches to the Management of Land, Water and Ecological Resources - Alfred Duda and Mohamed El-Ashry
The Human Right to Water - Peter Gleick
Global Water Crisis and Future Food Security in an Era of Climate Change - Munir A. Hanjra and M. Ejaz Qureshi
Risks and Responses to Universal Drinking Water Security - Robert Hope and Michael Rouse
Water Security: Old Concepts, New Package, What Value? - Jonathan Lautze and Herath Manthrithilake
Good Governance for Food Water and Energy Security - U. Lele, M. Klousia-Marquis and S. Goswami
Nirvana Concepts, Narratives and Policy Models: Insight from the Water Sector - François Molle
Will the World Run Dry? Global Water and Food Security - Mark Rosegrant, Ximing Cai and Sarah Cline
Energy and Water Trade-Offs in Enhancing Food Security: A Selective International Assessment - Shahbaz Mushtaqa, Tek Narayan Marasenia, Jerry Maroulisa and Mohsin Hafeezb
The Right to Water and Sanitation in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding - Mara Tignino
The Global Web of National Water Security - Mark Zeitoun
Facing the Freshwater Crisis - Peter Rogers
Water Security for a Planet under Pressure: Interconnected Challenges of a Changing World Call for Sustainable Solutions - Janos Bogardi et al.
Growing Water Scarcity in Agriculture: Future Challenges to Global Water Security - Malin Falkenmark
Re-Thinking Water Scarcity: Can Science and Technology Solve the Global Water Crisis? - Elena Lopez-Gunn and Manuel Ramón Llamas
Producing More Food with Less Water in a Changing World: Assessment of Water Productivity in 10 Major River Basins - Xueliang Cai et al.
Virtual Water – The Water, Food, and Trade Nexus: Useful Concept or Misleading Metaphor? - J. Allan
Water Wars by Other Means: Virtual Water and Global Economic Reconstructing - Andrew Biro
Foreign Agricultural Land Acquisition and the Visibility of Water Resource Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa - Philip Woodhouse
The United Nations Watercourses Convention Ten Years Later: Why Has Its Entry into Force Proven Difficult? - Salman M.A. Salman
Governance Mechanisms to Address Flow Variability in Water Treaties - Alena Drieschova, Mark Giordano and Itay Fishhendler
Climate Proofing Transboundary Water Agreements - Heather Cooley and Peter Gleick
Global Climate Change and Challenges for International River Agreements - Ashok Swain
Global Regime Formation or Complex Institution Building? The Principled Content of International River Agreements - Ken Conca, Fengshi Wu and Ciqi Mei
Governance and the Global Water System: A Theoretical Exploration - Claudia Pahl-Wosti, Joyeeta Gupta and Daniel Petry
Water Security: Debating an Emerging Paradigm - Christina Cook and Karen Bakker
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