Introduction Waste Management: Technology, Economics and Policy Jane C. Powell
1. E. Daskalopoulos, O. Badr and S.D. Probert (1998), ‘Municipal Solid Waste: A Prediction Methodology for the Generation Rate and Composition in the European Union Countries and the United States of America’
2. Otto M. Poulsen, Niels O. Breum, Niels Ebbehøj, Åse Marie Hansen, Ulla I. Ivens, Duco van Lelieveld, Per Malmros, Leo Matthiasen, Birgitte H. Nielsen, Eva Møller Nielsen, Bente Schibye, Torsten Skov, Eva I. Stenbaek, Ken C. Wilkins (1995), ‘Sorting and Recycling of Domestic Waste. Review of Occupational Health Problems and their Possible Causes’
3. M. Renkow and A.R. Rubin (1998), ‘Does Municipal Solid Waste Composting Make Economic Sense?’
4. K. Westlake (1997), ‘Sustainable Landfill – Possibility or Pipe-dream?’
5. H.A. Abu Qdais, M.F Hamoda and J. Newham (1997), ‘Analysis of Residential Solid Waste at Generation Sites’
6. Katrina Smith Korfmacher (1997), ‘Solid Waste Collection Systems in Developing Urban Areas of South Africa: An Overview and Case Study’
7. M.E. Kaseva and S.K. Gupta (1996), ‘Recycling – An Environmentally Friendly and Income Generating Activity Towards Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Case Study – Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania’
8. Shuchi Gupta, Krishna Mohan, Rajkumar Prasad, Sujata Gupta and Arun Kansal (1998), ‘Solid Waste Management in India: Options and Opportunities’
9. Carl R. Bartone and Livia Benavides (1997), ‘Local Management of Hazardous Wastes from Small-scale and Cottage Industries’
10. Alan Barrett and John Lawlor (1997), ‘Questioning the Waste Hierarchy: The Case of a Region with a Low Population Density’
11. K.D. Barlishen and B.W. Baetz (1996), ‘Development of a Decision Support System for Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems Planning’
12. R.K. Turner (1992), ‘Municipal Solid Waste Management: An Economic Perspective’
13. Göran Finnveden, Ann-Christine Albertsson, Jaak Berendson, Erik Eriksson, Lars Olof Höglund, Sigbritt Karlsson and Jan-Olov Sundqvist (1996), ‘Solid Waste Treatment Within the Framework of Life-cycle Assessment’
14. Jane C. Powell, Amelia L. Craighill, Julian P. Parfitt and R. Kerry Turner (1996), ‘A Lifecycle Assessment and Economic Valuation of Recycling’
15. Iain R. Lake, Ian J. Bateman and Julian P. Parfitt (1996), ‘Assessing a Kerbside Recycling Scheme: A Quantitative and Willingness to Pay Case Study’
16. Guy Garrod and Ken Willis (1998), ‘Estimating Lost Amenity Due to Landfill Waste Disposal’
17. Matthew A. Leach, Ausilio Bauen and Nigel J.D. Lucas (1997), ‘A Systems Approach to Materials Flow in Sustainable Cities: A Case Study of Paper’
18. Jane C. Powell (1996), ‘The Evaluation of Waste Management Options’
19. Horng-Guang Leu and Sheng H. Lin (1998), ‘Cost–benefit Analysis of Resource Material Recycling’
20. Shan-Shan Chung and Chi-Sun Poon (1997), ‘Quantifying Externalities in Solid Waste Management in Hong Kong’
21. R.K. Turner, R. Salmons, J. Powell and A. Craighill (1998), ‘Green Taxes, Waste Management and Political Economy’
22. Marie Lynn Miranda and Joseph E. Aldy (1998), ‘Unit Pricing of Residential Municipal Solid Waste: Lessons from Nine Case Study Communities’
23. Annegrete Bruvoll (1998), ‘Taxing Virgin Materials: An Approach to Waste Problems’
24. Karen Palmer, Hilary Sigman and Margaret Walls (1997), ‘The Cost of Reducing Municipal Solid Waste’
25. Inger Brisson (1994), ‘Life-cycle Management and Economic Instruments’
26. Ian G. Bailey (1999), ‘Competition, Sustainability and Packaging Policy in the UK’
27. Paulien de Jong and Maarten Wolsink (1997), ‘The Structure of the Dutch Waste Sector and Impediments for Waste Reduction’
28. Adam D. Read (1999), ‘Making Waste Work: Making UK National Solid Waste Strategy Work at the Local Scale’
29. Marjorie J. Clarke, Adam D. Read and Paul S. Phillips (1999), ‘Integrated Waste Management Planning and Decision-making in New York City’
30. J.M. Lusugga Kironde and Michael Yhdego (1997), ‘The Governance of Waste Management in Urban Tanzania: Towards a Community Based Approach’
31. Dianne Rahm (1998), ‘Controversial Cleanup: Superfund and the Implementation of U.S. Hazardous Waste Policy’
32. Harvey Alter (1997), ‘Industrial Recycling and the Basel Convention’
33. Jeffery J. Himmelberger, Samuel J. Ratick and Allen L. White (1991), ‘Compensation for Risks: Host Community Benefits in Siting Locally Unwanted Facilities’
34. Chris Zeiss and Lianne Lefsrud (1995), ‘Analytical Framework For Waste-facility Siting’
35. Judith Petts (1997), ‘The Public-expert Interface in Local Waste Management Decisions: Expertise, Credibility and Process’
Name Index
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