"All chapters are well written and informative … . … It is … recommended to those who already have a sound foundation in the subject area and wish to expand their specialist knowledge, particularly with regard to tropical crop ecosystems."
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture
"…Anyone addressing the issues of sustainability in the tropics will find valuable materials in this book…this is one of the first books to focus on the research methodologies needed to assess and evaluate agroecosystems sustainability in the tropics. … It provides a unique classification system for tropical agroecosystems, and then sets the stage for the chapters that follow. Those chapters begin with specific components of agroecosystem design and management, then merge into case studies that demonstrate how these components are integrated. The final chapters place the book in a landscape perspective, showing ways to link field-level research to practical problem solving at the human community level."
-Stephen R. Gliessman, Alfred Heller Professor of Agroecology, Department of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz