<p><strong>"Of interest both for the detailed analysis of emerging policies and institutions, and for the introduction it affords to broader theoretical debates about regional governance and planning."</strong><em>- Housing Studies</em></p>
Biographical note
Mark Tewdwr-Jones is Professor of Spatial Planning and Governance and Director of Research at University College London’s Bartlett School of Planning. His research interests are related to planning, politics, community planning, and urban and regional development. He is currently involved in a number of research projects, including work across the European Union relating to European spatial planning, the scope and relevance of local planning, and the relationship between architecture, cities, and identity.
Philip Allmendinger is Professor of Planning and Director of the Centre of Planning Studies at the University of Reading. He is a chartered planner and surveyor with interests in theory, politics, regional planning and development. He is currently undertaking a number of research projects including work on resourcing planning and an ESRC funded project on integrated spatial planning, multi-level governance and state rescaling.