Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Civil, Architechture and Building Materials (CEABM 2014), May 24-25, 2014, Haikou, China.
The 459 papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Sustainable City and Regional Development,
Chapter 2: Renewable Energy and Building Energy-Saving Technologies,
Chapter 3: Indoor Environment,
Chapter 4: City Ecological Environment,
Chapter 5: Water Purification and Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Technologies,
Chapter 6: Air Environment Control and Architectural Environment Improvement Techniques,
Chapter 7: Environmental Engineering and Monitoring, Environmental Protection Technologies,
Chapter 8: Road and Railway Engineering,
Chapter 9: Bridge Engineering,
Chapter 10: Transportation Planning and Systems, Routing and Logistics Engineering,
Chapter 11: Traffic and Transportation Control and Applied Information Technology,
Chapter 12: Computer Application Technology and Mathematical Modeling
- Preface and Conference Organization
- Chapter 1: Sustainable City and Regional Development
- Analysis on Determining Factors of Regional Construction Land Carbon Emissions
- Based on the Land Resources Reuse under the Condition of Projects Benefit Analysis
- Quantitative Analysis in the Coordinated Development of Human Settlements Environment and Economy for Guizhou
- Strategy of Sustainable Development of City Streets Renovation - Taking the City of Baotou Steel and Arding Street Design as an Example
- Studies on the Quantitative Relation between Economic Development and Ecological Environment of Minqin County
- Paradigm Analysis and Guidance of Island Commercial Settlements - A Case Study of Work-Living Settlements in Zhoushan Island
- Space Reconstruction of Industrial Heritage under Urban Transition - A Case Study of Hangzhou Section’s Renewal of the Grand Canal
- Hangzhou Housing Demand Forecasting Model Based on BP Neural Network of Genetic Algorithm Optimization
- Building Sustainable Communities in China - Status and Outlook
- Study on the Regeneration of Urban Historical Area from the Viewpoint of Workshops Matchmaking Local Participations
- Utilization of Beijing Olympic Stadiums and Development of the Asian-Olympic Business District
- A Survey on Coal-Mining Architectural Heritage in Yingcheng, Jiutai
- Analysis of Landscape Space Meta-Structure in Regional Settlement
- Applications of GIS in Regional Planning
- Attractiveness of the Area in the Context of Individual Housing
- Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Sustainable Development of Mining Area
- Investigation and Analysis of the Cultural Buildings of Industry Remains in Yanbian
- Analysis on Changdexincheng Development Driving Force Factors
- Coordinated Development of Natural Reserve, Economy, Environment and Society in Guangdong Province
- Residential Differentiation Research in Guangzhou
- The Initial Study of Evaluation System in Hot-Summer and Warm-Winter Region
- Type Analysis of Rural Settlements Development of Hadaqi Region in Heilongjiang Province
- Capital Construction and Noosphere Genesis
- Dynamic Requisition-Compensation Balance Theory of Mining-under Village Relocation Planning Based on PSO Algorithm
- Management of the Investment Potential of Sustainable Development of the City
- Mistakes for Preservation of Historic Blocks - Reflection on Old-Town Renovation of Beiliang District in Baotou
- A Survey on Development of Energy Service Industry in Zhejiang China
- Evaluation of Low-Carbon Development Level for Yangtze River Delta City Group
- Possibilities of Mathematical Modeling Utilization in Brownfield Regeneration Efficiency Assessment
- Research of Shaanxi Province Urbanization Development Quality Evaluation Based on the Entropy Value Method
- Research of the Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Xi'an Urbanization
- Study on Regional Water Environment Social Economic System due to Governance of Water's Five Aspects
- Study on Urban Sustainable Development Based on System Dynamics
- The Measure Index System and Evaluation Research of New-Type Urbanization
- The Survival of Urban Tourism Development under the Background of Religious Resources - In Baotou, for Example
- From Disordering Center Competition to Space Cooperation: Constructing Central Triangle Metropolitan Areas
- Research on Development Patterns of Low-Carbon Tourism in Qinhuangdao City
- Chapter 2: Renewable Energy and Building Energy-Saving Technologies
- A Solar-Powered In-Vehicle Semiconductor Refrigeration System
- Cost, Efficiency and Hygiene - Three Reflections on Green Building
- Effect of CaCO3 Pretreatment on Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Rice Straw
- Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Liquefied Corn Bran-Based Epoxy Resins
- Nanomaterials for Hydrogen Storage
- Research on Application of Building Photovoltaic System in Shanghai - Taking Chenjia Town as an Example
- Research on the Design and Construction of Zero-Energy Building
- Study on Cost of Green Building Based on the Life Cycle Theory
- The Comprehensive Risk Evaluation for Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Included Wind Power System
- A Research on Energy Conservation of Existing Residential Buildings in “Urban Village”
- The Solar Energy-Air Source Heat Pump Was Applied to the Hot Water System
- Zhangjiakou a Residential Building Envelope Structure Optimization Design
- Energy-Saving Renovation Research of Existing Residential Buildings in Northern
- Insulation Design for Non-Heated Stairwells of Residences in Severe Cold Zones
- Research and Design on Load Bearing Wall with Green Energy-Saving Straw Bale
- A Design for Electric Heating Thermostat System Based on ZigBee in Intelligent Building
- Analysis of R&D Capacity and Cooperation Trend of China and US in the Field of Building Energy Efficiency - Based on Paper and Patent Data
- Analysis on Light Environment and Efficient Creation in College Student Dormitory of Chongqing
- Application of BIM Technology on Energy Efficiency Building Design
- Energy-Efficient Technologies in the Construction of School in Hot Climates
- Photovoltaic Architectural Shadow and a Case Analysis
- Research and Analysis on the Heating Energy Consumption of Urban Residents in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Area of China
- Research on 20MWp Grid-Connected PV Station
- Review on Phase Change Material Storage in Solar Energy Application
- Study on Solar Assisted Different Heat Source Heating for School Building in Rural of Gansu
- The Designs and Analysis of Wasting Heat Utilization in the Large Comprehensive Hospital Scheme
- The Research of Absorption Heat Pump Taking Basic Heat Load City Heat-Supply Network Heating Regulation Optimization
- The Ways Assessment of Direct Production Electricity and Heat from Hydrogenous Fuel Based on Biogas for Autonomous Consumers
- Automated Calculation of Solar Electricity Systems in Russia as an Example of the Moscow Region
- Shadowing Impact on Amount of Power Generated by Photovoltaic Modules
- Solar Power Opportunities in Northern Cities (Case Study of Saint-Petersburg)
- Zonation for Development of Shallow Geothermal Energy in Urban Area of Kaifeng City and some Relevant Suggestions
- Sea Water Heat Pump Technology Development Review and Prospective Application
- The Applications for Electrical Energy Saving in Engineering Design
- Practical Seawater Source Heat Pump Projects in China
- The Research of Test on Load-Bearing Capacity of the New Energy-Saving Panels
- Analysis on Exterior Wall Conformation of Low-Rise Light Steel Structure Residence Based on Thermal Theory
- Energy Saving Renovation of Existing Buildings on Campus Sunshade Design
- Energy-Saving Design Research of Entrance Space for Commercial Building in Cold Region
- The Importance of Building Energy-Saving Show from the Change of Climate Parameters in Energy-Saving Standards
- Application and Research on Thermal Infrared Imager in Thermodynamic Defect Testing
- The Agglomeration Effect of Chinese Wind Power Industry and Empirical Study
- Research on Environment Dependence of Thermal Conductivity of Expanded Polystyrene Foam Board
- Study on Energy-Saving of Industrial Buildings in China
- Chapter 3: Indoor Environment
- Research on Architecture Interior Design Using Traditional Decorative Elements
- Factors for Improve the Summer Microclimate of Guangfu Dwellings and its Modern Applications
- Application of Southwest Shandong’s Folk Textiles in Modern Interior Design
- Research on Design of Indoor Light Environment in Modern Architecture
- The Research on Yearly Comfortable Indexes of Qinhuangdao “Water Front” Passive Houses
- A Field Study on Thermal Comfort of Traditional Metal Processing Factories
- Air Age Equation Parameterized by Ventilation Grouped Time
- Analysis of Indoor Air Quality for Residential Buildings in Lhasa, China
- Medical Space Oriented Color Psychology Perception Model
- Numerical Research on Indoor Wind Environment of Green Building
- The Indoor Greening Design Practices
- Brief Analysis of the Lacquer Art Application Value for Indoor Environment Art Design
- The Determination and Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Public Buildings
- The Impact of Gymnasium Form’s Tilting Side Interfaces on Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort of Exercise Site
- Chapter 4: City Ecological Environment
- Application of Imitated Ecosystems in Urban Waterlogging Prevention
- The Research to "Adapt to the Disasters" in the Traditional Architecture and Town
- Application of Variance Weight Prediction Model in the Output Prediction of Urban Living Rubbish
- Reduce Haze and Improve Urban and Rural Construction
- A Primary Study about Water Quality Characteristics of Urban Constructive Sites Wastewater
- Noise Influence and Prevention Treatment of Residential Buildings near Highway
- Study on the Spatial Expansion Driving Force Mechanism of Carbon Source and Sink at Urban Fringe Areas
- A Quantitative Research on Carbon Emissions in the Residential Area of China Based on LCP Theory
- Rural Community Environmental Health Evaluation Empirical Study
- PCBs in Air from an Industrial Zone in a Coastal City-Tianjin, China
- Pcbs in Soils around an Old Electric Transformer Factory in North China
- Urban Waterlogging and Stormwater Management
- Condition of Road Infrastructure Related with Regional Development
- Chapter 5: Water Purification and Wastewater Engineering, Treatment Technologies
- Application of Natural Zeolites for Aquatic and Air Medium Purification
- Changing of Contaminants Content and Disperse State during Treatment and Transportation of Drinking Water
- Effect of Ultrasonic Frequency on Chlorpyrifos Degradation in Sonolytic Ozonolysis
- Effects of Liquid Carbon Source on the Biofilm Cultivation on Corncob Biocarriers
- Numerical Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen Transfer in an Aerated Pond
- Study on the Effect of Different Water Treatment Technology on Removing 2-MIB
- Dual-Frequency Ultrasonic Assisted Ozonation for Degradation of Pesticide Wastewater
- Design of a Multi-Parameter Sonochemical Setup for Pesticide Wastewater Degradation and Experimental Tests
- Development of Network Pressure-Superposed Secondary Water Purification
- Immobilization Technology and Construction of Carrier
- Removal of Geosmin by Powered Activated Carbon as an Emergency Method
- The Improvement of Pretreatment on the Determination of Mercuryin Industrial Wastewater
- The Removal of Interference from Microwave Digestion Solution of Industrial Wastewater on the Determination of Arsenic
- Electrochemical Oxidation of the Effluent from Coking Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Ti/RuO2-IrO2 Electrode
- Information Technologies in View of Complex Solution of Waste Water Problems
- Laboratory Modeling and Research of Waste Water Treatment Processes in Biofilters with Polymer Feed
- Methods of Biological Removal of Nitrogen from Waste Water and Ways to its Intensification
- Study on the Effect of Moved Wastewater on Oxygen Release from Roots and Wastewater Treatment
- A Short-Term Model Experiment of Organic Pollutants Treatment with Aquatic Macrophytes in Industrial and Municipal Waste Waters
- Analysis of Water Quality Assessment Model Based on the SPA Theory
- Double-Catalyzed Base-Acid Synthesis of Chestnut Shell Pigment Resin Cross-Linked with Formaldehyde
- Research and Application Progress of Yeast in Wastewater Treatment
- Research Progress of Ships Waste Treatment Technology
- Study on Preparation of Flocculant in Low-Temperature Wastewater
- Discussion of Treatment of Wastewater and Sludge from Viscose Industry
- Study on the Flocculation Performance of Polysilicate Aluminum and Magnesium on Domestic Sewage
- Research Progress in Removing Heavy Metals from Waste Water via Bio-Sorption
- Application and Development of Artificial Floating Island Technology
- Chapter 6: Air Environment Control and Architectural Environment Improvement Techniques
- Tunnel Construction Dust Monitoring and Dust Control Technology of High Altitude and High and Cold Area
- A Review of Research Development of Ventilated Double-Skin Facade
- Comparison Research on US-China Green Building Practice
- Experimental Study on Opening or Closing Performance of Ventilated Double-Skin Facade on the Airflow Window in Winter
- Green Building Development Features in China
- Research on the Theory of CHP System in Controlling Air Pollution in Northern Cities
- New Concept of Green Building Evaluation: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model
- The Methods of Agricultural Residues Disposal and their Externalities in Xinyi, China
- Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Green Ecological Mine Construction Based on ISM
- Chapter 7: Environmental Engineering and Monitoring, Environmental Protection Technologies
- Activation of Ca-Based CO2 Sorbent by Hydration in Repetitive Calcination-Carbonation Reactions
- Analysis of Problems of Online Monitoring about Liaohe River Basin Water Pollution Source through Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Comparisons and Decisions on Construction Methods from an Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission Perspective
- Construction of Ecological Environment Management Platform Based on Supermap IS.NET
- Determination and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals on the Source of Underground Water in Yulin City
- Diffusion Model of Atmospheric Fine Particles PM2.5 under the Direction of the Wind
- Landslide Groundwater Dynamic Monitoring in the Process of Water Content Instrument Installation Technology Research
- Minimum Particle Diameter of the Sulfur-Doped Nano-TiO2 Transparent Hydrosol at Room Temperature
- Chapter 7: Environmental Engineering and Monitoring, Environmental Protection Technologies
- Optimization and Selection of Automatic Monitoring Indicators in Beer Manufacturing
- Research of Antibiotics Pollution in Soil Environments and theirs Biological Degradation
- Spatial Distribution and Pollution Evaluation of Heavy Metals of Surface Sediments in Nansi Lake
- Status Analysis on Construction and Operational Effectiveness of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Guangxi
- Safeguard Mechanism Construction of Environmental Comprehensive Improvement in Qinhuangdao Offshore Area
- Study on Plant-Microbial Remediation of Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
- The Current Situation and Treatment and Disposal Techniques of Antibiotic Bacterial Residues in China
- The Exploration of Public Participation Mechanism in Ecological Civilization Construction
- The Influence of Coastal Development on Ecological Environmental in Hebei Province
- The Influence of Estimated Pollution Range on the Groundwater Pollution Source Identification Method Based on the Simple Genetic Algorithm
- The Summarized Study of Heavy Metal Pollution in the City Soil
- Dissolution Behavior of Fluorine from AOD Slag after Treatments for Volume Stabilization
- Anaerobic Fermentation Characteristic of Rice Straw Pretreated by HCl
- Thermal Desorption Experiment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Contaminated Soil Used as Cement Raw Meal
- Trend Analysis and Quality Assessment of Sediment in the Marine District with High Strength Exploitation
- Water Quality Evaluation Research Based on Fuzzy Mathematics in Weihe
- Effects of Sand-Stabilization on Plant Abundance of Interdune Lowlands in the Active Sand Dune Fields
- Inhibitory Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Tropical Forest Plants on Urea Hydrolysis and Nitrification in Soil
- Marine Environment Impact Analysis and Countermeasures on Sea Water Utilization Project
- Simulation of Final Cover Systems in Mitigating Landfill Gas Migration
- Development and Application of Molecular Biology Techniques in Environmental Treatment
- Urea (CO(NH2)2) Pretreatment Improve Biogas Production Performance of Rice Straw
- The Analysis of the Characteristics and the Research Status of the Recycled Concrete
- Effect of Exogenous Spermidine on the Absorption of Copper Ions in Salix Matsudana
- Study of the Oxygen Supply, Propelling and Mixing Performance Optimization Conditions of an Improved Carrousel Oxidation Ditch
- Pretreatment Effect on the Stability of Coal Hexane Coal-Water Suspension
- Chapter 8: Road and Railway Engineering
- A Southern Highway Asphalt Pavement Analysis and Treatment of Water Damage
- Anti-Damage Performance of Asphalt Concrete Reinforced with Different Position Grid
- Field Study of Improvement Mechanism of Geogrid-Reinforced and Pile-Supported Embankment
- Frequency Domain Analysis to Vibration Respones of Subgrade Induced by Train at Seasonally Frozen Region of Daqing in China
- Analysis of Stress and Strain for Semi-Rigid Asphalt Pavement Based on Accelerated Loading Test
- Experimental Study on Microseism Wave Propagation Characteristics of the Pavement Base
- Study on the Bearing Capacity Test for the Saline Soil Soft Ground
- The Analysis of the Thickness of the Layers Influence on Graded Broken Stone Stress State
- The Rail Profile Shape Dynamic Acquisition System Based on LabVIEW
- The Study on a New Composite Road Panel Structure
- Construction Technology Urumqi Outer Ring Expressway Road Reconstruction Project Expansion
- Research on Ice-Broken Effect of Granulated Rubber Asphalt Mixture High-Elastic Deck Pavement on Bridge
- Study of Static Mechanical Properties of Aeolian Sand
- Safety Design on Small Radius Curve of Mountain Road
- Study on Durability of Granulated Crumb Rubber Asphalt Pavement Based on TPS High-Viscosity Asphalt
- The Different Pavement Structure Combination Shear Stress Analyze
- Acoustic Models for Dense- and Open-Graded Asphalt Pavement
- Experimental Study on Controlling Rail Corrugation by Tuning Rail Damper
- Research on Evaluation Method of Asphalt Pavement Crack Treatment
- Study on Failure Mechanism and Prevention Measures of Typical Rock Slope in Tibetan Plateau
- Study on Site Scheme Selection of Highway and Railway Bridge across Songhua River Reconstruction Project
- Representation Indexes and Grades Division of Single Pavement Damage Affecting Vehicles Operating
- Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis on Subgrade Dynamic Stress Response under Moving Load
- Time-Domain Simulation of High-Speed Railway Track Irregularity
- Application of MHB Technique in Superhighway Cement Concrete Pavement Resurfacing Projects
- Development of Prediction Model for Doweled Joint Concrete Pavement Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
- Grey Relational Analysis of Fiber Asphalt Mixture Based on Pavement Performance and Economic Benefits
- Modulus Back-Calculation Based on FWD Dynamic Deflection Basin for Semi-Rigid Base Asphalt Pavement
- Evaluation Segregation of SMA-13 Asphalt Pavement by Compactness
- Precast Pavement Smoothness Control Method
- Analysis and Reference of Local Railway Operation and Management Mode
- Analysis of Influence of Fine Aggregate on Void Ratio of Asphalt Mixture
- Analysis of Settling Character and Prediction Result of the Red Sandstone Dynamic Compaction Embankment
- Application of Bentley Power Rail Track Software in the BIM Railway Design
- Application of Stress Absorbing Layer in Project
- Design and Behavior of RPC Slab Track
- Design Countermeasures of Preventing Frost Heaving of the Airport Cement Concrete Pavement in Cold Area
- Detection and Assessment Methods for the Planeness of Planes' Asphalt Road Runway
- Development of a Model to Predict Pavement Temperature for Ghat Region in Libya
- Dynamic Consolidation Ground Reclamation Vibration Transmission Mechanism and Impact Studies on Composite Foundation
- Effect of Emulsified Asphalt Content on Mechanical Property of Cement and Emulsified Asphalt Mortar
- Effect of Reinforcing the Base of Pavement with Steel Geogrid
- Effect of Temperature on Volumetric Parameters of Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixture
- Experimental Study on the Reinforcement Treatment of Saline Soil Subgrade
- Failures of Concrete Slit Drains, Caused by Inappropriate Dilation Material Inserted into Multi-Layer Road Systems
- Failures of Concrete Slit Drains, Caused by Negative Effect of their Erroneous Integration into Surrounding Multi-Layer Road Systems
- Highway Subgrade Disease Treatment Technology Research in Volcanic Karst Crater Region
- Key Construction Technology of Porous Concrete Permeable Base
- Microscopic Analysis of Rutting Formation of Dense Graded Asphalt Concrete
- Newly-Constructed Cement Concrete Pavement Crack Renovation Technique
- Base Shrinkage Stress Analysis in Semi-Rigid Base Asphalt Pavement
- Case Study on Composite Bridge Pier Construction Method
- Experimental Study on Pavement Performances of SBP Modified Asphalt
- Old and New Embankment Splicing Technology in Highway Reconstruction Project
- Orthogonal Test Research on Molding and Curing for Cold Recycle Mix with Emulsified Asphalt
- Research and Analysis of Temperature Anti-Rutting Performance Evaluation Index for Asphalt Pavement
- Research on Maintenance and Repair Technology of the Continuous Welded Railway in Plateau Permafrost Region
- Research on the Behavior of Rigid Pavement of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Dowel Bar under the Condition of Variable Temperature
- Review of the Influencing Factors of Pressure Exert on Compartment by Bulk Goods
- Review on Nanomodified Asphalt
- Specific Study of Airport Pavement Asphalt Mixture
- Static Contact Characteristics Analysis of Wide Base Tire against Hot Asphalt Pavement
- Study on Factors for Determination of Highway Subgrade Height
- Study on the Design Method of Prestressed Concrete Sleeper Based on Chinese and American Criteria
- Study on the Effect of WMA Additive to the Asphalt Technical Properties
- Study on the Resistance to Water of CA Mortar Used in CRTSII Ballastless Slab Track
- Temperature Field Analysis of CRTS-II Ballastless Track Slab Structure on Soil Subgrade
- The Application of Discrete Element Method on Asphalt Mixture
- The Base Material Segregation Control Technology Research of Strong Interlocked Skeleton Dense Graded Aggregate
- The Indirect Tensile Strength of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) Modified Asphaltic Concrete
- The Influence of Coarse and Fine Ratio on ATB Asphalt Mixture Performance
- The Study of Rheological Behavior about High-Modulus Modified Asphalt
- Discussion about Technical Problems in CBR Test
- Experimental Study on the Anti-Cracking Performance for High Viscoelastic Asphalt Sand with SCB
- Numerical Simulation for the Seasonal Change of the Temperature and Humidity Field of Embankment in Moist Heat Areas
- Research on the Differences of Retaining Wall between in Widening Highway and in the New Highway
- Study on Libyan Silt Property and Suggestions on its Application in Subgrade Construction
- Study on Water Stability Improvement of Granite Asphalt Mixture
- The Fatigue Test of Railway Rail Fastener Assemblies
- WJ-8 Rail Fastener of Ballastless Track Torque Test Research
- Research on Numerical Simulation of Roadway Deformation under the Influence of Mining
- Evaluation and Utilization of Kuantan Clayey as Material Embankment for Roadway
- Study on Low Temperature Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt and its Mixture
- Chapter 9: Bridge Engineering
- A Model-Based BIM Framework for Bridge Engineering
- A Study on the Adaptability of Photoelastic Experiment on Main Tower of Cable-Stayed Bridge
- An Analysis of the Impact of the Natural Void Radio of Cohesive Soil on the Calculation of the Backwater Height of the Highway Bridge
- Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics for Continuous Rigid Bridge with Corrugated Steel Webs
- Analysis of the Arrangement of Prestressed Steel in Web of Continuous Concrete Box-Girder Bridges
- Application of Quadratic Programming Method to Cable Force Calculation of Cable Erection Arch Bridge
- Comparison of Structural Type and Economics of Super-High Pier for Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge
- Effect of Viscous Damper Position for Isolation System of Self-Anchored Cable-Stayed Suspension Bridge
- Mechanical Properties of Wood and Timber Bridge Evaluation
- Research on Investment Estimation Model of Municipal Bridge Engineeringa — A Case Study of Hollow Slab Girder Bridge
- Mechanical Features of Cable-Girder Anchorage for Long-Span Railway Cable-Stayed Bridge with Steel Box Girders
- Study on Nondestructive Testing Method of Vertical Prestressed Reinforcement Tension in Box Girder
- Study on the Vehicle Load of Highway Bridge Based on Measured Data
- Temperature Control Technique and Analysis of Mass Concrete in the Pile Cap of Main Pier in Yangtze River Bridge
- Application of Stress-Free Status Control Method in Bridge Construction Control
- Fatigue Phenomenon Analysis of the Steel Railway Bridges with Short and Medium Span
- Research on Calculation Method of the Stability Factor of Variable Cross-Sectional Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Laced Columns
- Research Status of FRP-Concrete Composite Beam/Bridge Deck Systems
- Control Technology on Jacking Closure Construction of Liangjiang Great Bridge
- On the Development and Innovation of Modern Suspension Bridge in China
- Temperature Correction around Anchorage Zones of Cable-Stayed Bridge in Field Test
- The Response Analysis of the Train-Bridge System under Seismic Action
- Research on Simulation and Analysis of Tensioning Process of Suspender for Combinative Bridge with V-Type Pier Continuous Rigid Frame and Arch
- The Application of Pushover Method in Complex Bridge Seismic Design
- Time-History Analysis of Pre-Stress Loss of Four-Spans Pre-Stressed Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge
- An Improved Flutter Analytical Method for Bridge
- Discussion about the Limit Span of Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge and Influencing Factors
- Effect Evaluation of Prestressed Carbon Fiber Plate Reinforced Bridges in Critical Condition
- Research on Skew Coefficient for Stresses of Skewly Supported Three-Span Continuous Box Girders
- Static Loading Test and Theoretical Analysis of a Pedestrian Bridge
- Study on Concrete Durability Design for Penang Second Bridge of Malaysia
- Study on Static and Dynamic Load Test of Huaronggou Bridge
- The Pier’s Deformation and Load Capacity Calculation of Bridges in Construction with Movable Die Carrier
- Traveling Wave Effect Analysis on Fabricated Box Girder Bridge Based on ANSYS
- Ultimate State of Bridges with Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction under Extreme Earthquakes
- Analysis of Effect of Fetching Girder from Trestle of Long-Span Steel Truss Bridge under Cantilever Erection
- Construction Scheme Research of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge with Three Pylons Based on Structure Stability
- Design of an Experimental Prestressed Arch Pedestrian Bridge Made of UHPC
- Dynamic Analysis and Test Validation for Continuous Girder Bridge
- Effects of Curvature Radius on Seismic Response of Curved Box-Girders Bridge
- Impact Response Spectrum for Design of Ship-Bridge Collisions
- Loading Tests of Experimental Models of an Integral Bridge Loaded by the Effects of Water Pressure during Floods
- Nonlinear Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge
- Bearing Capacity Analysis of Reinforcement for the Double Curvature Arched Bridge in Service
- Chapter 9: Bridge Engineering
- Capturing Riding Characteristics of Double-Deck Bridges under Multi-Lane Moving Vehicles
- Optimization of Cable Force of Extradosed Bridges
- Parsing on the Processing Methods of Seamline for Concrete Bridgewith Seamless Broaden Technology
- Practical Calculation of Cable-Stayed Arch Bridge Lateral Stability
- Prestressed I-Beams of 12 m Span Made of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Construction of Railway Bridges
- Reliability Analysis of Half-Through Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Arch Bridge
- Research on Design and Construction of Main Pylon of Maanshan Changjiang River Highway Bridge
- Research on the Effect of Bridge Guardrail to Load Distribution
- Research on the Key Techniques of Zhanjiang Donghai Island Bridge
- Research on Working Behavior of Prestressed Curved Girder Bridge
- Sensitivity Parameter Analysis and Accurately Calculation Method of Cables Unstressed Length for Cable-Stayed Bridges
- Study on the Durability of Coastal Area Bridge
- The Changes of Internal Forces and the Reliability of Curved Bridge Taking the Cross-Sectional Design of Axial Symmetrical
- Analysis of Technical Characteristics and Construction Focus of Long-Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with High-Rise Piers
- Design of an Experimental Prestressed Vierendeel Pedestrian Bridge Made of UHPC
- Design of an Experimental Tensegrity Pedestrian Bridge
- Sensitivity Analysis of Continuous Curved Bridge under Different Curvature Radius
- Study on Dynamic Behavior and Seismic Performance of Cable-Stayed Bridge with Different Auxiliary Pier Positions
- Study on the Prestressed Arrangement in Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone of Cable-Stayed Bridge
- Transverse Ribs Affect the Stability of Steel-Concrete Composite Box Beams
- Research on Prestressed Loss in Curving Hole of Prestressed Concrete Structure Caused by Frictional Resistance
- The Experimental Analysis of the Nonlinear Effects of Live Load of E-Dong Yangtze River Highway Bridge
- Experimental Analysis of Historical Metal Railway Bridges: A Review
- The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Bus in Different Lateral Locations of Steel Box-Girder Bridge
- Simulation Analysis on Construction of Liangjiang Great Bridge
- The Designing and Construction about the below Model without Wind Bracing Tied-Arch Bridge
- Research on CWR Design on Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Bridge in Alpine Region
- The Construction Technology of T-Type Rigid Frame Bridge No.0 Pouring Section
- Static Loading Test and Evaluation of Single Beam of Highway Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab Beam Bridge
- The Technical and Economic Comparison of Reinforcing Schemes of Stone Arch Bridge
- Chapter 10: Transportation Planning and Systems, Routing and Logistics Engineering
- A New Decision Support Methodology for Subway Operation Management
- Analysis and Calculation on the Capacity of Stairway in Urban Rail Transit Hubs
- Determination of the Minimum Departure Interval between Trains with same High-Speed at the Relatively Initial Station
- Development of German Ecological Comprehensive Transportation and its Enlightenment to China
- Evaluation Model of Road Network Vulnerability and its Genetic Algorithm Solution
- Parking Demand Forecast Method of Big City and its Application
- Research on Building Integrated Urban Rail Transport System Model of the Hohhot
- Study on Selection of Alliance Cooperation Partner of Freight Transport on a Special Route
- The System Evaluation of Passenger Station Travelers Satisfaction
- Analysis the Transformation and Upgrading Path of the Ports in Pearl River Delta
- Research on Quick Measurement Method for the Flow Moisture Point of Shipping Liquefiable Solid Bulk Cargoes
- Studies on Construction and Operation Mode of Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Research on the Optimization Model of Berth Allocation-Quay Crane Assignment-Truck Scheduling at Container Terminals
- Review on the Berth Allocation and Quay Cranes Assignment Problems in Container Terminal
- The Integrated Berth and Quay Crane Scheduling Problem in Container Terminals
- The Integrated Yard Truck and Yard Crane Scheduling and Storage Allocation Problem at Container Terminals
- The Study of Changchun Automobile Industrial Logistics Transport Land Distribution
- Traffic Demand Model to Study Urban Agglomeration Transportation System
- Transit Scheduling Model Research Based on Time-Space Network
- A Method of Bike Sharing Demand Forecasting
- Evaluation Model of Urban Expressway Nodes Based on Entropy Weight and Variable Weight Model
- On Urban Transportation Planning in an Information Society
- Parking on University Campus: How to Avoid the Tragedy of Commons?
- Schedule Risk Management of Railway Station Project
- Study on the Bike Path Width Considering the Electric Bike
- Study on the Characteristics of the Bus Trip of the Elders in Nanjing
- Adaptive Reliable Shortest Path in Discrete Stochastic Networks
- Application of Projection Method Based on Combination Weight in Comprehensive Evaluation for Highway Network Planning
- Comprehensive Evaluation for Urban Rail Transit Network Based on TOPSIS Model
- Forecast of Urban Public Transport Demand in Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone
- Freight Vehicles Regulatory Assistance System Based on Internet of Things
- Highway Transportation’s Contribution Rate of Scientific and Technological Progress of China
- Investigating Pedestrian Behavior Differences of Walking Streets and their Effect Factors with Three Wuhu Cases
- Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Non-Suspending Runway Reconstruction Project Scheduling in Busy Airports
- Research and Application of Activity-Based Costing in Drop and Pull Transport Enterprises Cost Management
- Research of Cluster Supply Chain Network for its Optimal Control by SOA Technology
- Research of Container Transport Organization Model Based on the Theory of Hub and Spoke
- Research on Prediction of the Amount of Regional Airport Aviation Based on GM (1.1) Model in the Gray System
- Research on Supply Chain Network System Based on Industrial Cluster
- Simulation and Analysis Based on Emergency Evacuation Success Rate in Elevated Layer of Beijing South Railway Station
- Study of Traffic Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Based on Regulatory Detailed Planning
- Study on Ideas of Highway Transportation Hub Development in Ethnic Minority Areas
- Study on the Index System of Urban Rail Transit and Bus Network Integration
- The Study of Differential Pricing Model in Market of Urban Taxi Industry Based on the Zoning Service
- Study of Passengers’ Route Choice of Urban Rail Transit Network under the Emergency
- The Influence of Bohai Strait Tunnel Project on Freight Transportation System in Bohai Economic Rim
- Design and Improvement of Material Handling Apparatus in the Machine Shop of Company Z
- Railway Freight Volume Prediction Based on Support Vector Regression (SVR)
- The Optimization of Arriving and Departing Time of Trains in Urban Rail Transit Based on Passenger Transfer
- Research on Integration of Connection and Layout about Comprehensive Transport Hub and Corridor within Municipal Area
- Based on Project Management of Urban Rail Transit Projects BT Mode Selection and Operation Effect
- Analysis Method Based on Cloud Model for Comprehensive Indices for Natural Zoning for Highways
- Sensitivity Analysis about Traffic Mode Selection of Lintong Metro Line Based on Logit Model
- The Instance Analysis on the Urban Rail Transit Transfer Stations with Multiple Lines
- Northern Sea Route: Perspectives for Bulk Carriers and Liquid Tankers
- Dwell Time Prediction of Bus Rapid Transit Using ARIMA-SVM Hybrid Model
- Research on the GISDK-Based Prediction System of Integrated Transport Demand
- Effect Evaluation and Modeling of Variable Message Signs on Route Choice Behavior
- Optimizing Supply and Demand in Coal Logistics Networks
- Suggestions on Comprehensive Metro and Real Estate Development Applied in China: A Case Study of the MTR
- Chapter 11: Traffic and Transportation Control and Applied Information Technology
- Coordination Safety Control Technique for Ship-Bridge Collision during Construction Period
- The 4E-Oriented Performance Evaluation of Public Traffic Based on BSC
- Predictive Controller for Aircraft Landing under Wind Shear
- Research on Traffic Flow Characteristics of Urban Expressway
- Dynamic User Optimal of Traffic Assignment Based on Optimal Signal Timing
- Analysis of the Impact of Fog on Expressway Vehicle Speed
- Analysis of the Traffic Parameters Based on Traffic Investigation in the Hohhot
- Research on the Urban Traffic Flow and Traffic Problems in Hohhot
- Traffic Speed Time Series Short Term Forecasting Using Aggregated Model
- Research on Economic Benefit Evaluation of Transportation Enterprise Based on Extension Matter-Element Model
- Study of Dynamic Adjustment to the Freeway Entrance Ramp Based on VISSIM
- The Efficient and Reliable Routing Protocol of Bus Mobility Vehicle Network
- Design of a Warning System for Pedestrians and Non-Motorized Vehicles
- Express Business Transformation Research Based on Hoare Three-Dimensional Structure Model
- Network Coordinated Ramp Metering Control Strategy: Optimization and Evaluation
- Engineering Realization of Dual-Target DPVS on Expressway Fog Detection
- Research on the Calculation Model of Signal Intersection Delay
- Study on the Quantitative Method of Oversaturated Intersection
- The Design and Implementation of Traffic Management System Based on SuperMap
- The Intersection Optimization Problem of New Road in Hohhot
- Use Subsampling to Solve Imbalanced Dataset Problem for Automatic Incident Detection Algorithm
- Research on Applications of Grid Technology in Railway Information Service
- Research on the Elastic Pricing Theory Based on Ramsey Model
- Setting and Achieving of Travel Inducing on the Expressway in the Fog
- A Survey on Awareness of Traffic Signs among Youth in Qatar
- Optimal Signal Timing of Single Intersection for Traffic Emission Control
- Power Quality Problems and their Monitoring of Urban Rail Transit
- Study on City T-Junction Design under Optimal Scenarios
- Security Design in Tianjin City Expressway Entrances and Exits
- Analysis on the Anti-Glare Plate Setting Distance on Horizontal Curve Sections of Expressway
- Sensitivity Analysis the Ticket Price of Hangzhou to Shaoxing Intercity Line Based on the Equilibrium Model
- The Research on Urban Rail Transit Ticket Pricing Based on System Dynamics
- The Study on the Central Strip Width of the Arterial Highway of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps
- The Effects of Noise Pollution Produced by Road Traffic of Naples Beltway on Residential Real Estate Values
- An Analysis on Common Overload Traffic Disease and Treatment
- Research on the Safety Performance Technical Identification Normative for Accidental Vehicles
- Simulation and Modeling for Traffic Collaborative Controlapplying the S - Paramics
- Comparison of Capacity of Intersection with Connection Lane on the Left of Running Lane and the other Types of Intersections
- Nash Equilibrium Analysis Based on a Generalized Travel Cost
- A Cellular Automaton Model for Highway: Considering Multi-Lane Traffic Rules
- Exploration of Traffic Facilities Engineering Design for Tide Lanes
- Research on Traffic Safety on Freeway Merging Sections Based on TTC and PET
- Impact Analysis of Different Bus Lane Layout Form to Traffic Efficiency
- Waiting Area Research at Large Intersections in Hohhot
- Model and its Application of Passenger Travel Sharing Rate in Inter-City Comprehensive Passenger Traffic Channels
- Research on New Ideas of Comprehensive Traffic Demand Analysis Techniques and Methods
- Study on Route Choice Behavior of Urban Rail Transit Passengers
- Passengers Organization Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Analysis of Beijing South Railway Station
- Improvement Design about Anti-Dazzling of Mid-Barriers on Multilane Highway in Urban Fringes of China
- Research on Urban Traffic Sustainable Development of Huhhot
- Chapter 12: Computer Application Technology and Mathematical Modeling
- Application Study of Green Building Based on BIM Technology
- On Equilibrium for Abstract Economies in GFC-Spaces
- The Analysis of Second-Hand Housing Price Influencing Factors Based on Hedonic Model and WEB Information
- Research on the Application of BIM Technology in Indemnificatory Houses Planning and Design
- Improved Global Harmony Search Algorithm for Numerical Optimization
- Two-Sided Matching with Ordinal Numbers and Costs
- A Class of Linear Integral Equation in Engineering
- Simple Criteria for Block H-Matrices
- Solving Discrete Dirichlet Problems on Spectral Finite Elements by Fast Domain Decomposition Algorithm
- Study on the Fitting Methods of the Polyworks Software
- The Stability Analysis for a Kind of Functional Differential Equations
- Wireless Sensor Network Mobile Agent Routing Based on the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
- Analysis on Non-Center Cloud Storage Architecture of Gluster