<p><strong>"Professor Swain and Professor Öjendal have assembled the essential reader on environmental security with its leading contributors and accessible presentation. The handbook weaves together the distinct components of this complex topic in ways that are analytically sound and practically useful."</strong> <i>Geoff Dabelko, Professor, Ohio University; and Senior Advisor, Environmental Change and Security Program, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, USA</i></p><p>"The relationships between environment and conflict, both interstate and intra-state, have become crucial topics of scholarly analysis in recent years. Ashok Swain and Joakim Öjendal, through this valuable handbook, offer one of the best compendiums for anyone interested in this crucial subject matter. The scholars and topics they have assembled will make this a great resource for years to come." <i>T.V. Paul, James McGill Professor of international Relations, McGill University, Canada</i></p>