'This book tackles the hugely important but often neglected concern over the rights of the passenger when using public transport. It proposes a substantial increase in their active participation in the design of the services being offered. As such, this book breaks new ground and should be read by all those who are really concerned about the traveller as well as travel.' David Banister, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, UK 'The importance of consumer representation is boosted in markets where competition is absent - public transport is largely a monopoly. As the need for high quality public transport is rapidly rising this book provides a timely, comprehensive, useful and thoughtful survey of Europe's passengers' rights and representation. It will help practitioners and planners understand the need for and importance of talking to passengers.' Anthony Smith, Chief Executive, Passenger Focus 'Public Transport and its Users is a pioneering work. It appears to be the first to address the empowerment of the users of public transport services. The authors ask, how would services change if the transit providers treated their customers with the same attention that football clubs treat their members and fans?' Australian Planner