<p>"This book makes the case for sustainable soil management as an essential prerequisite to securing global food supply. … The strength of the book lies in the wide array of topics presented from diverse viewpoints. ... Overall, the book is an engaging and stimulating read. It effectively makes the case for the necessity of including soils as the central focus of all efforts to feed a growing world population in a sustainable manner in the face of a changing climate. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above."<br />—J. R. Reeve, Utah State University, <i>CHOICE</i>, February 2014</p>
Biographical note
Rattan Lal is a distinguished university professor of soil physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and the director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences/Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, at the Ohio State University. Previously, he was a soil physicist for 18 years at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Professor Lal conducted long-term experiments on topics including land use, watershed management, soil properties, soil tillage and crop-residue management, and cropping systems. He has continued research on erosion-induced changes in soil quality and developed a new project on soils and climate change. He has demonstrated that accelerated soil erosion is a major factor affecting emission of carbon from the soil to the atmosphere.
B.A. Stewart is a distinguished professor of soil science at the West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas. He is also the director of the Dryland Agriculture Institute and a former director of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Conservation and Production Laboratory at Bushland, Texas; a past president of the Soil Science Society of America; and a member of the 1990–1993 Committee on Long- Range Soil and Water Policy, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. He is a fellow of the Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and Soil and Water Conservation Society and a recipient of the USDA Superior Service Award and the Hugh Hammond Bennett Award of the Soil and Water Conservation Society.