"A great blueprint for combating climate change."
- Bryan Walsh - Time,
"Lester Brown is one of the pioneers and heroes of global environmentalism. If the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize had been extended to a third recipient, the logical candidate would have been Lester Brown."
- E. O. Wilson,
"Lester Brown tells us how to build a more just world and save the planet... in a practical, straightforward way. We should all heed his advice."
- Former President Bill Clinton,
"In this impressively researched manifesto for change, Brown bluntly sets out the challenges and offers an achievable road map for solving the climate change crisis."
- The Guardian,
"A great book which should wake up humankind!"
- Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum,
"Brown gives concise, but very informative, summaries of what he regards as the key issues facing civilization as a consequence of the stress we put on our environment.... a valuable contribution to the ongoing debate."
- The Ecologist,