I recommend this book. You will be drawn in by its informative graphic design & the seriousness of the data with up-to-date accounts of ocean issues, from overfishing to plastics and renewable energy.
- Prof Daniel Pauly, University of British Columbia,
Gonstalla draws on hundreds of academic sources... distilling thousands of words into succinct and compelling images.
Rob Lowe, Eden Magazine
This book is a masterpiece - simple comprehensive graphics & concise explanations on the complex subject of the Ocean.
Prof Axel Timmermann, Pusan National University
This book aims to raise awareness as widely as possible by explaining the issue of ocean conservation in remarkably clear terms- appealing to our sense of responsibility. It is thus particularly timely
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco
Cleverly designed infographics and well-researched data offer a comprehensive if disturbing overview of the state of our oceans. A must if you care about what’s happening, and want to do something about it.
Craig Bennett, CEO of the Wildlife Trust
The ocean sustains all life. Understanding how it works and how we are affecting it is vital for securing our future. <i>The Ocean Book</i> provides the full briefing.
- Dr Tony Juniper CBE, environmentalist and author of What’s really happening to our planet?,
With informative diagrams and good reference to facts, this book explores the impacts of human activities on both marine and atmospheric systems providing an introduction to sustainability and marine science.
Emma Lamb, International Marine Environmental consultant