<p>"This book offers a broad overview of topics in energy analysis, and is very suitable for beginners in this field of science. It contains a large variety of exercises, making it a valuable resource for students to study the content and test their understanding in their own time and at their own pace." <br /><em>Wilfried Ivens, Associate Professor at Open Universiteit Nederland</em></p><p><strong>Praise for the second edition</strong></p><p>"<em>Introduction to Energy Analysis</em> provides a wonderful combination of technical detail and broad accessibility to the physical science and economics principles of energy systems design, operation, and impacts. With the exciting evolution of the energy field this is the sort of roadmap to the principles underlying the field that so many experts and non-experts will need."<br /><i>Daniel Kammen, Professor of Energy, University of California, Berkeley, USA</i></p><p>"Given the rapid developments in the energy sector, <i>Introduction to Energy Analysis </i>by Blok and Nieuwlaar is most welcome. The book is suitable for students, engineers and researchers and is hugely useful in my class on Energy System Analysis at ETH Zurich."<br /><i>Göran Andersson, Full Professor of the Power Systems Group at ETH Zurich, Switzerland</i></p><p>"[In this updated edition] Blok and Nieuwlaar provide an excellent, clear and concise overview and introduction to the key aspects of energy analysis. It is the ultimate and unparalleled textbook for engineering students and others who look for a broad understanding of energy systems, their development, and the methods and tools for their analysis."<br /><i>Lars J. Nilsson, Professor of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, Sweden</i></p>
Biographical note
Kornelis Blok holds a Chair in Energy Systems Analysis at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, where he is also chairman of the Delft Energy Initiative. He has authored and co-authored over 100 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, several books and 250 research reports, conference contributions and other scientific publications. He was and is a lead author for the Third, Fourth and Sixth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the organisation that was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.
Evert Nieuwlaar is retired Assistant Professor of Energy Analysis at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has long experience in research and education in the field of energy, environmental and sustainability issues. He taught courses in thermodynamics, energy conversion technologies, energy analysis (introductory and advanced) and life-cycle assessment.