‘Tomorrow's capitalism will value different things - and value them differently. In his timely, insightful book <i>Integrated Management</i>, Robert Sroufe explores what this means for business, integrated bottom lines performance, markets and, ultimately, all of us.’
- John Elkington, Chairman & Chief Pollinator, Volans,
‘<i>Integrated Management</i> is making a simple but powerful case for developing your business model beyond shareholder primacy only and showing you practically and simply how to get started, integrate and reap the benefits. Comprehensive, actionable and enjoyable.’
- Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever,
‘This book is a must have for decision makers seeking a customized approach to the integration of sustainability throughout an organization that is based on proven practices such as the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development. It recognizes the importance of a strategic approach to the value sustainable business practices provide, it will help move us closer to a sustainable society and will be appealing to any business globally.’
- Karl Henrik Robert, Founder of The Natural Step & MSLS Program, BTH University, Karlskrona, Sweden,
‘<i>Integrated Management</i> breaks out of the linear thinking mode of most management texts, squarely facing the challenge posed by the embedding of businesses in a complex socio-economic-environmental world. Without such a move, progress towards the ambitious but critical goal of sustainability is severely constrained.’
- John Ehrenfeld, Retired from MIT, Author of Flourishing: A Frank Conversation about Sustainability,
‘With a “how to” approach in this book, sustainability comes alive deep in the operations, decision rules, supply chain and measurement of the integrated management of all businesses.’
- Judith Samuelson, The Aspen Institute, Founder & E.D., Aspen Business & Society Program,
Sroufe writes for decision makers and lifelong students around the world who want to integrate environmental sustainability into business strategy and management practices. Sustainability is not something to do in addition to strategy, he argues, but is a part of strategy and leads to dynamics performance improvement. He covers a dynamic performance frontier-beyond sustainability, building shared understanding, assessing the current reality (as is), brainstorming actions to close the gap (to be), and prioritization-action.
- Annotation ©2018, (protoview.com)