<i>‘Machin and Wissenburg have brought together an impressive array of leading and rising scholars. The often-stellar individual chapters are organized thoughtfully to create a Handbook that is theoretically rich, nuanced, and reflexive about the insights and limitations of environmental political theory – and about the idea of the Anthropocene itself.’</i>
- John M. Meyer, Cal Poly Humboldt, USA,
<i>‘This Handbook brings together some of the world’s leading and emerging environmental thinkers. The editors have done a difficult job well – in that they have ensured that the Handbook has a good representation of the growing number of topics, issues, and debates that exist and are emerging in the interdisciplinary field of environmental political theory. The </i>Handbook of Environmental Political Theory in the Anthropocene<i> is a field guide to thinking (and acting) on our increasingly turbulent planet, and the different perspectives on what are the root causes of the crisis of climate and nature, how the costs of the crisis are unevenly and unjustly distributed, and what solutions or coping mechanisms can or should be mobilised. Essential reading.’</i>
- John Barry, Ollscoil na Banríona Béal Feirste/Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland,