<i>'The word ''guide'' in the title of this book is an understatement. With its focus on renewable energy policies in a wide range of EU member states, this book fills an important gap in the literature. The rigorous structure of the chapters, all of them written by key experts in the field, and the incisive analysis of national policies and processes of Europeanization in the concluding chapter make it a major achievement of comparative research. A must-read for everyone interested in energy and climate change politics!'</i>
- Duncan Liefferink, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands,
<i>'Renewable energy policy is a well-established, high-ranking policy in Europe but its perspectives, strengths and weaknesses need competent analysis. This book is a highly valuable ''standard'' publication not only for energy and climate policy experts but also for political and social scientists.'</i>
- Martin Janicke, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany,
This remarkable guide is the first comprehensive attempt to shed light on the complex dynamics of renewable energy promotion in the European multilevel system. Theoretically driven, the study employs Europeanization as an analytical framework for assessing policy change, both at the EU level and in the member states, and compares the development of renewable energy policies in the electricity and transport sectors from the 1980s to the present.
Comprising contributions from leading scholars, the book is an indispensible guide for academics, researchers and students interested in EU energy and climate policies in general and EU renewable energy policy specifically, as well as practitioners and stakeholders involved in renewable energy policy and climate protection.
Contributors include: A. Ancygier, M. Bechberger, P. Bocquillon, S. Davidescu, L. Di Lucia, M.R. Di Nucci, H. Dyrhauge, G. Escribano, A. Evrard, J. Fairbrass, R. Fernandez, B. Hirschl, R. Hiteva, T. Hoppe, K. Jankowska, H. Jörgens, T. Maltby, D. Ohlhorst, E. Öller, D. Russolillo, I. Solorio, E. van Bueren, T. Vogelpohl