<p>"This is one of very few books putting environmental concerns at the heart of supply chain management. It covers all related aspects from eco-design and supplier selection to reverse logistics and global relationships. It is a welcome addition to the existing management literature."</p><p><strong>Stefan Seuring</strong>, <em>University of Kassel, Germany</em></p><p>"Sarkis is a pioneer and leading scholar in the area of sustainable supply chain management. He and Dou apply their extensive global knowledge to create this comprehensive book that links key processes and functions in supply chain management."</p><p><strong>Lisa M. Ellram</strong>, <em>Miami University, USA</em></p><p>"<em>Green Supply Chain Management</em> provides a detailed hands-on introduction to greening the supply chain. The focus on why and how to improve a supply chain’s environmental performance will provide a strong foundation for both the experienced and future managers looking for ways to address the growing pressure to be green." </p><p><strong>Mark Pagell</strong>, <em>University College Dublin, UK</em></p>