"Vernadsky was a towering pioneer in understanding life on Earth and life coevolving with Earth. His protean range and profound insight shaped our worldview and continues to anticipate our learning." - Amory Lovins Cofounder and CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute "It is heartening to see this result of years of careful editorial work that has given us a timeless piece of scholarship, in which we witness a truly global systems thinker who was a hundred years ahead of his time. Today, the general insights of Vernadsky, regarding the life-enhanced interconnectivity of air, soil, and water, need to become the shared visions of everyone. As a key contribution to the history of biospheric science, this book helps that crucial task." - Tyler Volk, Professor of Biology, Codirector Earth and Environmental Science Program, New York University "Vernadsky can justly be called the founder of biospherics." - John Allen Inventor of Biosphere 2 Project, Chairman, Global Ecotechnics"