Acidification in Lakes.- Africa, Lakes Review.- Age Determination of Lake Deposits.- Alpin Lakes.- Alternative Stable States in Shallow Lakes.- Amazon Lakes.- Antarctic Lakes.- Antarctic Subglacial Lake Ellsworth.- Antarctic Subglacial Lake Vostok.- Antarctic Subglacial Lakes.- Aquatic Plants.- Arab Region, Lakes and Reservoirs.- Aral Sea.- Arch Dams, Development from Cut.-Stone Arches to Modern Design.- Arctic Lakes.- Artificial Wetlands.- Asia, Lakes Review.- Australia, Climate and Lakes.- Australia, Coastal Paleolakes of “Swanland”.- Baikal, Lake.- Balaton Lake in Hungary.- Baltic Sea Basin, History Since the Latest Deglaciation.- Basin.-Scale Internal Waves.- Bathymetrical Survey of the Scottish Freshwater Lochs, 1897–1909.- Beaver Dams and Ponds.- Bengal Basin, Sediment Sink.- Brownification of Lakes.- Carbon Cycle in Lakes.- Caribbean.-Central America, Lakes Review.- Carinthia Lakes and Reservoirs in Austria.- Caspian Sea.- Chad Lake.- Chilika Lake.- Chinese Lakes.- Circulation Processes in Lakes.- Classification of Lakes from Hydrological Function.- Classification of Lakes from Origin Processes.- Climate Change Effects on Lakes.- Climate Change: Factors Causing Variation or Change in the Climate.- Coastal Lagoons.- Cyanobacteria (Blue.-Green Algae).- Dam Failures: Impact on Reservoir Safety Legislation in Great Britain.- Dams and Reservoirs in Macedonia.- Dams and Reservoirs, Role.- Dams, Classification.- Dams, Flood Protection, and Risk.- Dead Sea.- Deltaic Swamps.- Dew Ponds.-Dissolved Oxygen in Ice.-Covered Lakes.- Double.-Diffusive Convection in Lakes.- Droughts and Water Management in England and Wales: With Particular Reference to Reservoirs and Lakes.- Ecological Threat to Lakes and Reservoirs.- English Lakes.- Estuarine Hydrology.- Europe, Lakes Review.- Eutrophication in Fresh Waters: An International Review.- Everglades, Florida, USA.- Fens, England.- Finnish Lakes.- Finnish Lakes, Trends and Regional Differences of Phytoplankton.- Floodplain Wetlands: Focusing on India.- Forth and Clyde and Union Ship Canals, UK.- Geneva Lake.- Gippsland Lakes.- Glacier Jökulhlaup.- Great Lake Processes: Thermal Structure, Circulation and Turbulent Diffusion Processes.- Great Lakes, North America.-Great Salt Lake.- Hazards.- Health Aspects of Lakes and Reservoirs.- Hydrodynamics and Circulation of Fjords.- Hydrodynamics of Very Shallow Lakes.- Hydrological Sizing of Water Supply Reservoirs.- Hydropower.- Ice Covered Lakes.- Ice Formation on Lakes and Ice Growth.- Icelandic Lakes, Physical Characteristics.- Indian Lakes.- Initial Mixing of Pollutants.- Internal Seiches.- Japanese Lakes.- Katse Dam: Lesotha Highlands Water Project.- Kingairloch Hydroelectric Scheme.- Kis.-Balaton and its Effect on Lake Balaton Water Quality.- Ladoga Lake and Onego Lake (Lakes Ladozhskoye and Onezhskoye).- Lake Ice.- Lake Monster.- Lake Outbursts.- Lake Restoration.- Lake Sediments.- Lake Shore Nomenclature.- Lake Surveying.- Lakes as Archives of Earth History.-Lakes on Earth, different types.- Large Dams and Environment.- Large Dams, Statistics and Critical Review.- Laurentian Great Lakes, Interaction of Coastal and Offshore Waters.- Light and Primary Production in Lakes.- Limnological Studies in Lake Erken Sweden.- Loch Katrine.- Lough.- Lough Neagh.- Macedonian Lakes.- Maracaibo Lake.- Marib Dam and Irrigation Project.- Mass Curve and Reservoir Design.- Memphremagog, Lake.- Meromictic Lakes.- Microorganisms in Lakes and Reservoirs.- Mixing in Lakes.- Myponga Reservoir, South Australia: The Influence of Nutrients, Phytoplankton, Pathogens, and Organic Carbon on Water Quality.- Nahuel Huapí, Lake.- Nasser Lake.- Nile Basin, Lakes.- North Delta Lakes, Egypt.- Nutrient Balance, Light, and Primary Production.- Okeechobee, Lake, Florida, USA.- Origin of Lakes and Their Physical Characteristics.- Paleolakes.- Paleolimnology.- Peipsi Lake in Estonia/Russia.- Phosphor Exchange Sediment.-Water.- Playa Lake Chains: The Example of the Yenyening Lakesof the Upper Avon River Catchment of Western Australia.- Poopó Lake, Bolivia.- Reservoir and Lake Trap Efficiency.- Reservoir Capacity.- Reservoir Sedimentation.- Reservoir Sedimentation in Australia under Extreme Conditions.- Reservoirs in Great Britain.- Reservoirs, Early British History.- Reservoirs, Multipurpose Use of Small Reservoirs.- Restoration of Urban Lakes in the NE Musi Basin, Hyderabad, India.- Riverine Thermal Bar.- Russian Lakes.- Russian Lakes, Geographical Classification.- Russian Water Reservoirs.- Saki, Lake (Crimea, Ukraine).- Satellite Data and Lakes.- Sedimentation Processes in Lakes.- Sediments, Flushing from Reservoirs.- Slovenia, Lakes and Reservoirs.- Source of Freshwater.- South America, Holocene Coastal Lagoons.- South America, Lakes Review.- Stratification and Mixing in Tropical African Lakes.- Stratification in Lakes.- Submerged Vegetation in Shallow Lakes.- Surface Seiches.- Suspended Sediment Concentration in Stratified Lakes estimated by Accoustic Methods.- Sweden’s Great Lakes.- Swedish Glacial Lakes: Estimation of the Number of Lakes of Different Sizes.- Tanganyika Lake, Modeling the Eco.-hydrodynamics.- Tanganyika Lake: Strong in Hydrodynamics, Diverse in Ecology.- Thames Water: Development of London’s Potable Water Supply and the Role of Bankside Storage Reservoirs.- Thermal Bar.- Thermal Regime of Lakes.- Thermobaric Stratification of Very Deep Lakes.- Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River in China.- Titicaca Lake.- Transboundary Waters: Rivers, Lakes, and Groundwaters.- Trophic Lake Classification.- Tsunami Effect on a Coastal Lake in India.- Turbidity Currents in Reservoirs.- Udaipur, Lakes.- United Kingdom, Largest Lakes.- United States: Principal Freshwater Lakes.- Urban Lakes and Ponds.- Venting Turbidity Currents in Reservoirs.- Victoria Lake.- Volume of Water in Lakes and Reservoirs: Determination.- Võrtsjärv Lake in Estonia.- Water Balance of Lakes.- Water Balance of the Laurentian Great Lakes.- Water Exchange Between Littoral Zone and Open Lake Water.- Water Framework Directive.- Water Quality for Drinking: WHO Guidelines.- Water Quality in Lakes and Reservoirs.- Wetland Areas and Lakes in Bulgaria.- Wetlands.- Wetlands of the Canadian Arctic.- Wetlands: Classification, Distribution, Function.- Wind Waves.- World Lake Database: International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC).- World Lake Vision.- Xiaolangdi Reservoir’s Role in Water and Sediment Regulation.
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