«The empowerment teachings and practices by Indigenous peoples the world over today are especially crucial to the dawning hope for more sustainable knowledge and respectful relationships with the land and its many inhabitants. Here, Gregory Lowan-Trudeau generously theorizes, documents, and himself provides the ways in which Indigenous Environmental Education constitutes a form of integral educational leadership that is at once extremely timely and creatively emergent, but on the other hand deeply traditional and based in the long-standing understandings that can only emerge from careful partnership with nature in all of its biocultural diversity-in-place. In this, the book importantly bridges communities and scholarly debates, and I'm honored to support it as a pathway forward. For sure, this is a necessary text that every critical environmental educator and ecopedagogue should both listen to and from which they can learn.»<br />
(Richard Kahn, PhD, Core Faculty in Education, Antioch University Los Angeles)
«This book offers in-depth discussions that will appeal to a wide audience.»<br />
Adam Vincent, JCACS Vol. 14, No. 1/2016)