Biographical note
Dr Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu is working for SGS Hong Kong for its Global Sustainability Services as Eco-design Consultant after his doctoral research study from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He finished his PhD dissertation entitled, “Eco-functional assessment of grocery shopping bags” with 14 scientific peer-reviewed scientific journal publications, 2 patents and 11 conference publications based on his dissertation to his credit. In total, he has authored more than 75 journal publications and numerous conference publications, 3 books and 2 book of chapters. He serves various peer-reviewed journals in environmental and textile sciences as an editor/editorial board member and also as a reviewer.
Prof. Yi Li is working as a full time professor in the Institute of Textiles & Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University apart from the director of Textile Bioengineering Centre and Chairman of TBIS. With over 460 scientific publications and more than 30 patents, he is a Fellow of the Textile Institute, Life Fellows of International Biographical Association and the Royal Society of Art, Commerce and Manufacturing, and adjunct professors of four universities in China and a member of several professional bodies.