Biographical note
Javid Ahmad Parry is currently working as Research Associate – II, in Centre of Research for Development, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
Some of his publications are as below:
Papers Published:
Javid A. Parray , Rehana Hamid, Azra N. Kamili , Nowsheen Shameem, Sumira Jan, Bashir A Ganai. Biological efficacy a
nd radical scavenging potential of shikonin in Arnebia benthamii (Wall ex. G Don) Johnston. Industrial Crops and Products, Elsevier 4/2015 (Accepted) IF-3.208Sumira Jan; Azra N Kamili; Javid A Parray; Y S Bedi. Differential response of terpenes and anthraquinones derivatives in Rumex dentatus and Lavandula officinalis to harsh winters across North Western Himalaya.
Natural Product Research. 3/2015. DOI:10.1080/14786419.2015.1030404. IF-1.2Javid A. Parray , Azra N. Kamili , Zafar A. Reshi , Raies A. Qadri, Sumira Jan. Interaction of rhizobacterial strains for growth improvement of Crocus sativus L. under tissue culture conditions. Plant
Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2015. Springer. DOI 10.1007/s11240-014-0703-1. 121:325–334 IF-2.625Book Chapters:
Rehana Hamid, Azra Nahaid Kamili, Mahmooduzzafar, Javid A Parray, Sumira Jan, Abdul Mujib and Parvaiz Ahmad. Mass Multiplication and Phytochemical Studies of Cichorium intybus L. In (ed: Biotechnological Techniques of
Stress Tolerance in Plants). 2013, pp.187-211. Stodium Press LLC USA. ISBN 1-62699-031-X.Research Reports/Monographs published:
Concepts of Biotechnology by Raies A. Qadri and Javid A Parray”. Lamberts Book on Demand, Germany, 2011.
Euryale ferox-a threatened medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya by Javid A Parray Azra N Kamili and Raies A. Qadri Lamberts Book on Demand, Germany, 2011.
Dr. Sumira Jan is currently working as Young scientist ICAR- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Projects being handled by her presently are as below:
1. “Ecological significance of UV screens in the distribution of UV-B flux and PAR within genus Rumex across North Western Himalaya.” Funded by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Govt. of India.
2. “2. Genetic, agro-morphological and phytochemical characterization of Oreganum vulgare L. for marker assisted improvement of pharmaceutical quality.” Funded by Science & Engineering Research (FSER), Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Govt. of India.
& a few of her publications as follows:
Kalimullah, Sumira Jan and Mahmooduzzafar. Response of air pollution on wood and bark of D
Sumira Jan, Talat Parween, T.O.Siddiqi and, Mahmooduzzafar. The anti-oxidative response system in Brassica juncea exposed to hexavalent chromium. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6 (4):425-433, 2010.
Sumira Jan, Talat Parween, T.O. Siddiqi and, Mahmooduzzafar. Gamma radiation effects on growth and yield attributes of Psoralea corylifolia L. with reference to enhanced production of psoralen. Plant Growth Regulation, 64(2):163-171, 2011.