<p>"… a powerful resource for CIO’s, PMO’s, product developers, and senior leaders of all stripes. What makes Statistical Techniques for Project Control so useful for all functional leaders is that it is not specific to IT project control. And, for CIO’s and PMO’s looking to expand their scope of services beyond IT projects, you will find plenty of insights to formulate your plan. … The reason CIO’s and other executives should read this book is that it will strengthen your ability to manage and lead the project management office function and help you strengthen your project management IQ as a project sponsor."<br />—blog.thehigheredcio.com</p>
<p><strong><em>"… a powerful resource for CIO’s, PMO’s, product developers, and senior leaders of all stripes. What makes Statistical Techniques for Project Control so useful for all functional leaders is that it is not specific to IT project control. And, for CIO’s and PMO’s looking to expand their scope of services beyond IT projects, you will find plenty of insights to formulate your plan. … The reason CIO’s and other executives should read this book is that it will strengthen your ability to manage and lead the project management office function and help you strengthen your project management IQ as a project sponsor."</em></strong>—blog.thehigheredcio.com</p>