Biographical note
Selay Ilgaz Sümer is an Associate Professor at Department of Management in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey. She received her PhD in Business Administration in 2011. Her research interest is marketing. She has published several articles in different journals and been indexed in sources like Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-Exp), Crossref, Index Copernicus. She has published numerous articles, conference proceedings and book chapters. She has also edited some books. Dr. Ilgaz Sümer has been in academia since 2002. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. She takes part in postgraduate juries. Dr. Ilgaz Sümer has supervised various master thesis conducted on consumer behavior. Furthermore, she is a member of various referee boards of key journals. She has chaired sessions in international conferences. In addition, she has taken part in a project related with entrepreneur women. Her primary research interests are consumer behavior, digital marketing, services marketing, and marketing strategies.
Nurettin Parıltı is a Professor in Department of Business. Prof. Parıltı received his BSc degree in 1986 from Atatürk University. He received his MSc in 1991 and PhD in 1995 from Gazi University, Business Administration. He has been a faculty member at the Department of Business Administration since 1987. He teaches a wide array of compulsory and elective courses in consumer behavior, marketing, and business.