<p>From the reviews:</p>
<p>"Both in the large (choice and arrangement of the material) and in the details (accuracy and completeness of proofs, quality of explanations and motivating remarks), the author did a marvelous job. His parallel treatment of topics…for both number and function fields demonstrates the strong interaction between the respective arithmetics, and allows for motivation on either side."</p>
<p>Bulletin of the AMS</p>
<p>"… Which brings us to the book by Michael Rosen. In it, one has an excellent (and, to the author's knowledge, unique) introduction to the global theory of function fields covering both the classical theory of Artin, Hasse, Weil and presenting an introduction to Drinfeld modules (in particular, the Carlitz module and its exponential). So the reader will find the basic material on function fields and their history (i.e., Weil differentials, the Riemann-Roch Theorem etc.) leading up to Bombieri's proof of the Riemann hypothesis first established by Weil. In addition one finds chapters on Artin's primitive root Conjecture for function fields, Brumer-Stark theory, the ABC Conjecture, results on class numbers and so on. Each chapter contains a list of illuminating exercises. Rosen's book is perfect for graduate students, as well as other mathematicians, fascinated by the amazing similarities between number fields and function fields."</p>
<p>David Goss (Ohio State University)</p>
The first few chapters of this book are accessible to advanced undergraduates. The later chapters are designed for graduate students and professionals in mathematics and related fields who want to learn more about the very fruitful relationship between number theory in algebraic number fields and algebraic function fields. In this book many paths are set forth for future learning and exploration.
Michael Rosen is Professor of Mathematics at Brown University, where hes been since 1962. He has published over 40 research papers and he is the co-author of A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, with Kenneth Ireland. He received the Chauvenet Prize of the Mathematical Association of America in 1999 and the Philip J. Bray Teaching Award in 2001.