"Suitable for a graduate level course on matrix for statisticsstudents. The book is written in an applied style and students willlike it." (Journal of Statistical Computation andSimulation, March 2006)
"...well suited to its purpose...content is beautifully laidout..." (Mathematics Today, June 2004)
"...designed for students of economics and for practicingeconomists..." (Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. LX,No. 1, March 2002)
"Textbook suitable for a one-semester course introduces matrixalgebra and its application to economic problems." (Journal ofEconomic Literature, Vol. 40, No. 1, March 2002)
"A textbook...explaining to students of economics how matrixalgebra is used in the profession...No prior mathematics is assumedbeyond high school algebra..." (Reference & Research BookNews, May 2002)
"...practising economists who want to gain more mathematicalskills will also find the book at the right level..."(Zentralblatt Math, Vol. 982, No. 07, 2002)
"...an excellent introductory text..." (Journal of theAmerican Statistical Association, December 1, 2002)
Biographical note
SHAYLE R. SEARLE, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Biometry at CornellUniversity. He is the author of Linear Models, Linear Models forUnbalanced Data, Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics, and also(with C. E. McCulloch) Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models, allfrom Wiley.LOIS SCHERTZ WILLETT, PhD, is Professor of Food and ResourceEconomics at the University of Florida. She is the author ofnumerous scientific publications on economic markets and priceanalysis and has won several teaching awards for her instruction ineconomics, econometrics, and other quantitative analysis courses.