“This book presents a rich variety of essays. I would encourage readers to dip into the book, picking and choosing the essays that fit their interests. They will be rewarded.” (Joel Haack, MAA Reviews, August 04, 2019)
“This Festschrift … is a wonderful collection of nearly thirty essays exploring the ideas that Reuben made his life’s work. The book begins by introducing us to Reuben, first in a lively interview with him and then by sharing with us a dozen family photos. By the time we begin reading the serious essays, we already feel as if he is a good friend. Many of the contributors have known and worked with Reuben for many years, and the warmth of their friendships is quite apparent.” (John J. Watkins, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2019)
Bharath Sriraman has collected in this book 27 texts, comprising five chapters from Hersh himself (including one interview with the author), and 22 texts from authors whose work has been influenced by Hersh. These are mathematicians, philosophers, logicians, and linguistics, and altogether they offer the reader a cornucopia of lives, visions, positions, and contradictions about the nature of mathematics and its role in science and society.” (Alexandre Pais, Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 99, 2019)
Bharath Sriraman has collected twenty-five essays from mathematicians and philosophers, an educator, and a linguist for a Festschrift volume to celebrate Hersh’s ninetieth birthday. As one might expect, this is an extremely varied collection of articles. Several contain heartfelt appreciation of Hersh. Some attempt to develop and elucidate his Humanist philosophy. Others just mention him in passing or not at all. A few contain some nontrivial mathematics. … Anyone interested in the philosophy of mathematics will profit from reading and engaging with it.” (Joseph Auslander, Notices of the AMS,Vol. 65, No. 11, 2018).