Biographical note
Genserik Reniers obtained a Master's degree in chemical engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and received his PhD in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp. His main research interests concern the application of multi-disciplinary approaches encompassing chemical engineering, economics and management in the safety and security research field. Especially collaboration surrounding safety and security topics and socio-economic optimization within the chemical industry represents his field of expertise. Professor Reniers has published over 50 papers in high quality international journals and has written several books on safety and security engineering and management. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the renowned academic journals Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries and Safety Science.
Yulia Pavlova obtained a Master's degree in applied mathematics and computer science at the St. Petersburg University, Russia, and received her first PhD in Discrete Mathematics and Cybernetics from the St. Petersburg University, and the second PhD in Scientific Computing from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Her main research interests concern application of game theoretic and applied mathematic methods to the issues of international cooperation on global environmental problems and transboundary pollution, integrated modeling of agro-environmental systems, adaptation to climate change and risk mitigation. Dr. Yulia Pavlova’s special competence includes applied mathematics, applied game theory, optimization, environmental economics, and computer science.