'Bridging the new mobilities paradigm associated with John Urry and the reflexive modernization theory associated with Ulrich Beck, this book offers an important theoretical synthesis of emerging transnational and cross-disciplinary research in the social sciences. Accompanied by innovative empirical case studies of the intersections of automobility, work and home mobility in Europe, it will serve as an indispensable guide to the vibrant new field of mobilities research.' Mimi Sheller, Swarthmore College, USA and Lancaster University, UK 'Tracing Mobilities traces mobilities in two ways: it usefully presents the works of the contributors so far, and it advances our knowledge of mobilities full-force into new directions. The varied disciplinary and country affiliations of the contributors provides for a diversified tackling of the complex four-edged frontier: mobilities, being in motion, mobility potentiality and its materialization.' Aharon Kellerman, University of Haifa, Israel 'Overall I found this to be a very commendable and insightful book. It is well edited and has a clearly defined structure and cohesion in terms of narrative.' Irish Geography