<p>From the reviews:</p><p>“This book provides an evaluation of new directions in regional economic development, particularly the role of entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of economic growth and development on the sub-national regional level. … volume contains many useful contributions embracing a variety of theories and practice in innovation and regional dynamics, which are ambitious both in scope and content. … This volume would be recommended for scholars in any discipline interested in the innovation dimension of regional economics. The chapters are all theoretically and methodologically rigorous.” (Xinyue Ye, Regional Studies, Vol. 45 (4), April, 2011)</p><p>“Explores the various facets of knowledge creation in the regional context. The authors of its 21 chapters address topics as diverse as the economics of creativity, entrepreneurial cities, patents and knowledge spillovers, memes, network and traffic flows, infrastructure in the regional production function, R&D location, and innovation fields. … It would be useful to follow up studies of this sort to discern how knowledge-based geographic clusters evolve through the usual product cycle … . a lovely testimonial to Professor Johansson’s influential work in regional science.” (Gordon Mulligan, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 51 (2), 2011)</p>

Thisbookisbasedonpaperspresentedataninternationalworkshoporganisedin Jonkoping,Sweden,inJune2005tocelebratethe60thbirthdayofProfessorBorje .. Johansson-adearfriendandadmiredcolleagueofours. Thebookprovidesa limited sample of Borje Johansson's broad ranging research interests. In this volume, some of his friends and colleagues have contributed chapters on the themeof"Innovation,DynamicRegions,andRegionalDynamics". Thisisa?eld ofresearchinwhichBorjeJohanssonhasbeenagreatinspirationtousall,andto whichhehim-selfhascontributedwithcharacteristicenthusiasmandinsightaspart ofhisprodigiousoutput. TheworkshopandthecreationofthisbookweresponsoredbytheAlfaSavings BankFoundationinJonkoping,JonkopingInternationalBusinessSchool,andthe SchoolofPublicPolicy,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA. Wethankthemfor theirgeneroussupport. TheauthorsandtheeditorsthankKerstinFerroukhiforall her efforts to organise the workshop and Ulla Forslund-Johansson and Uma Kelekarforworkingtirelesslytogetthepapersrefereedandrevised,toputtogether multipleeditsofthisbookandforpreparingitforthepublisher. Itwouldhavebeen impossibletoproducethisbookwithouttheirdedicatedwork. Sweden CharlieKarlsson Sweden AkeE. Andersson UK PaulCheshire USA RogerRStough v Contents 1 Innovation,DynamicRegionsandRegionalDynamics...1 ? CharlieKarlsson,AkeE. Andersson,PaulCheshire,andR. R. Stough 2 ThePureTheoryofSpatialMarkets...35 MartinBeckmann 3 Smith-RicardoSpecializationinthePresenceofTiringEffects...47 TonuPuu 4 DynamicsofInnovationFieldswithEndogenousHeterogeneity ofPeople ...59 MasahisaFujita 5 EconomicsofCreativity ...79 ? AkeE. Andersson 6 SimpleMemesandComplexCulturalDynamics ...97 DavidBattenandRogerBradbury 7 TheFashioningofDynamicCompetitiveAdvantageof EntrepreneurialCities:RoleofSocialandPolitical Entrepreneurship ...107 LataChatterjeeandT. R. Lakshmanan 8 TheSocialCapitalofRegionalDynamics:APolicyPerspective...121 HansWestlund 9 HiddenOrderinTraf?cFlowsUsingApproximateEntropy: AnIllustration...143 KingsleyHaynes,RajendraKulkarni,andRogerStough vii viii Contents 10 RegionalInput-OutputwithEndogenousInternalandExternal NetworkFlows...161 JohnR. RoyandGeoffreyJ. D. Hewings 11 RegionalUnemploymentandWelfareEffectsoftheEU TransportPolicies:RecentResultsfromanAppliedGeneral EquilibriumModel ...177 ArtemKorzhenevychandJohannesBrocker 12 InfrastructureProductivitywithaLongPersistentEffect...1 97 TsukaiMakotoandKobayashiKiyoshi 13 ScienceParksandLocalKnowledgeCreation:AConceptual ApproachandanEmpiricalAnalysisinTwoItalianRealities ...221 RobertaCapelloandAndreaMorrison 14 TheLowParticipationofUrbanMigrantEntrepreneurs: ReasonsandPerceptionsofWeakInstitutionalEmbeddedness...247 EnnoMasurelandPeterNijkamp 15 TheLocationofIndustryR&DandtheLocationofUniversity R&D:HowAreTheyRelated?...267 CharlieKarlssonandMartinAndersson 16 GrowingUrbanGDPorAttractingPeople?DifferentCauses, DifferentConsequences ...291 PaulCheshireandStefanoMagrini 17 Urban-RuralDevelopmentinSweden...317 JohanKlaessonandLarsPettersson 18 Patents,PatentCitationsandtheGeographyofKnowledge SpilloversinEurope...331 ManfredMFischer,ThomasScherngell,andEvaJansenberger 19 Co-authorshipNetworksinDevelopmentofSolarCellTechnology: InternationalandRegionalKnowledgeInteraction ...347 KatarinaLarsen 20 Off-shoringofWorkandLondon'sSustainabilityasan InternationalFinancialCentre ...373 IanGordon,ColinHaslam,PhilipMcCannandBrianScott-Quinn 21 TheGenesisandEvolutionoftheStockholmMusicCluster ...385 PontusBraunerhjelm Index ...409 Contributors ? AkeE. Andersson ? JonkopingInternationalBusinessSchool,JonkopingUniversity,Hogskoleomradet, Gjuterigatan5,55318Jonkoping,Sweden,Ake. Andersson@ihh. hj. se MartinAndersson ? JonkopingInternationalBusinessSchool,JonkopingUniversity,Hogskoleomradet, ...Gjuterigatan5,55318Jonkoping,Sweden,Martin. Andersson@ihh. hj. se DavidBatten The Temaplan Group and CSIRO, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, PrivateBag1,Aspendale,Victoria3195,Melbourne,Australia David. Batten@csiro. au MartinBeckmann EconomicsDepartment,BrownUniversity,64Waterman StreetProvidence,RI 02912,USA,Lauren_Gallo@brown. edu RogerBradbury TjurungaandtheAustralianNationalUniversity,9ScottStreet,Narrabundah,ACT 2604,Canberra,Australia PontusBraunerhjelm DepartmentofEconomics,TheRoyalInstituteofTechnology,DrottningKristinas Vag30,10044Stockholm,Sweden,pontusb@infra. kth. se JohannesBrocker Institute for Regional Research, University of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel,Germany RobertaCapello DepartmentofManagement,EconomicsandIndustrialEngineering,Politecnico diMilano,ViaGiuseppeColombo40,20133Milano,Italy Roberta. Capello@polimi.
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This book examines emerging hypotheses, new methods and theoretic developments in regional economic development. It offers a diverse set of case studies, ranging from a focus on Europe, Central and East Asia and North America.
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Innovation, Dynamic Regions and Regional Dynamics.- The Pure Theory of Spatial Markets.- Smith–Ricardo Specialization in the Presence of Tiring Effects.- Dynamics of Innovation Fields with Endogenous Heterogeneity of People.- Economics of Creativity.- Simple Memes and Complex Cultural Dynamics.- The Fashioning of Dynamic Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurial Cities: Role of Social and Political Entrepreneurship.- The Social Capital of Regional Dynamics: A Policy Perspective.- Hidden Order in Traffic Flows Using Approximate Entropy: An Illustration.- Regional Input–Output with Endogenous Internal and External Network Flows.- Regional Unemployment and Welfare Effects of the EU Transport Policies: Recent Results from an Applied General Equilibrium Model.- Infrastructure Productivity with a Long Persistent Effect.- Science Parks and Local Knowledge Creation: A Conceptual Approach and an Empirical Analysis in Two Italian Realities.- The Low Participation of Urban Migrant Entrepreneurs: Reasons and Perceptions of Weak Institutional Embeddedness.- The Location of Industry R&D and the Location of University R&D: How Are They Related?.- Growing Urban GDP or Attracting People? Different Causes, Different Consequences.- Urban–Rural Development in Sweden.- Patents, Patent Citations and the Geography of Knowledge Spillovers in Europe.- Co-authorship Networks in Development of Solar Cell Technology: International and Regional Knowledge Interaction.- Off-shoring of Work and London’s Sustainability as an International Financial Centre.- The Genesis and Evolution of the Stockholm Music Cluster.
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The emphasis of this book lies on emerging hypotheses, new methods and theoretic developments in the field of regional economic development. A further amplification is provided with a diverse set of cases extending this new way of thinking at the theory and methods level into policy and practice. The case studies range from a focus on Europe, Central and East Asia and North America. Considerable emphasis is laid on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of economic growth and development on the sub-national regional level.
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Overview of the important new directions in the field Theory and methods in entrepreneurship Case studies on policy and practice Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
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