Biographical note
Nils Hammarén has a Ph.D. in Social work and is a Professor of Child and youth studies. He works in the Department of education, communication and learning at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interest is within the fields of youth, gender and ethnic and migration studies.
Biörn Ivemark has a Ph.D. in Sociology, is a former post-doctoral fellow at the University of Gothenburg, and now works as a researcher in the Department of Education at Stockholm University, Sweden. His primary research interests revolve around the social mechanisms of educational inequality and social mobility as well as the social identity dynamics related to class, ethnicity and migration.
Live Stretmo has a Ph.D. in Sociology, and is currently working as a senior lecturer in Child and Youth studies at the Department of Education, Communication and Learning at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research interests lie within the intersection of migration, youth and gender/sexuality studies.