Foreword Jon A. Benediktsson; Part I. The Importance of Image Registration for Remote Sensing: 1. Introduction Jacqueline Le Moigne, Nathan S. Netanyahu and Roger D. Eastman; 2. Influence of image registration on validation efforts Bin Tan and Curtis E. Woodcock; 3. Survey of image registration methods Roger D. Eastman, Nathan S. Netanyahu and Jacqueline Le Moigne; Part II. Similarity Metrics for Image Registration: 4. Fast correlation and phase correlation Harold S. Stone; 5. Matched filtering techniques Qin-Sheng Chen; 6. Image registration using mutual information Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes and Pramod K. Varshney; Part III. Feature Matching and Strategies for Image Registration: 7. Registration of multiview images A. Ardeshir Goshtasby; 8. New approaches to robust, point-based image registration David M. Mount, Nathan S. Netanyahu and San Ratanasanya; 9. Condition theory for image registration and post-registration error estimation Charles S. Kenney, B. S. Manjunath, Marco Zuliani and Kaushal Solanki; 10. Feature-based image to image registration Venu M. Govindu and Rama Chellappa; 11. On the use of wavelets for image registration Jacqueline Le Moigne, Ilya Zavorin and Harold S. Stone; 12. Gradient descent approaches to image registration Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes and Roger D. Eastman; 13. Bounding the performance of image registration Min Xu and Parmod K. Varshney; Part IV. Applications and Operational Systems: 14. Multi-temporal and multi-sensor image registration Jacqueline Le Moigne, Arlene A. Cole-Rhodes, Roger D. Eastman, Nathan S. Netanyahu, Harold S. Stone, Ilya Zavorin and Jeffrey T. Morisette; 15. Georegistration of meteorological images James L. Carr; 16. Challenges, solutions, and applications of accurate multi-angle image registration: lessons learned from MISR Veljko M. Jovanovic, David J. Diner and Roger Davies; 17. Automated AVHRR image navigation William J. Emery, R. Ian Crocker and Daniel G. Baldwin; 18. Landsat image geocorrection and registration James C. Storey; 19. Automatic and precise orthorectification of SPOT images Simon Baillarin, Aurélie Bouillon and Marc Bernard; 20. Geometry of the VEGETATION sensor Sylvia Sylvander; 21. Accurate MODIS global geolocation through automated ground control image matching Robert E. Wolfe and Masahiro Nishihama; 22. SeaWIFS operational geolocation assessment system Frederick S. Patt; Part V. Conclusion: 23. Concluding remarks Jacqueline Le Moigne, Nathan S. Netanyahu and Roger D. Eastman; Glossary; Index.
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