<i>‘Quality of life can be quite the nebulous subject of study. Despite this, Marans, Stimson and Webster present a cogent and insightful foray into the topic from much-needed place-based perspectives along with measurement and applications approaches. Prediction - this book will quickly become a definitive resource for quality-of-life studies!’</i>
- Rhonda Phillips, former president of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies,
<i>‘As the environment on Earth changes around us, so too does the experience of community living. And the most salient indicator of whether our species will continue to flourish is measured life quality. In this most timely volume, esteemed authors provide invaluable information and advice regarding community well-being and change.’</i>
- Robert A. Cummins, Deakin University, Australia,
<i>‘This edited book by Marans, Stimson, and Webster is a great Handbook involving a set of chapters written by experts in a variety of disciplines and fields of study. The focus of the Handbook is quality of life from a place and space perspective. The Handbook addresses issues of community well-being that can assist scholars in advancing the research agenda and practitioners in formulating more effective policies and designing urban plans to enhance the quality of life of community residents. As such, I believe that this Handbook is a treasure for both scholars and policy makers, and I recommend it highly.’</i>
- M. Joseph Sirgy, Virginia Tech, US, and North West University, South Africa,
<i>‘This is an important collection of quality of life/well-being studies edited and written by pioneers and leaders in the contemporary research field. Special attention is given to the relatively under-studied significance of geographic place and space, with complexity of issues, methods, theories and findings thoroughly explained in user-friendly terms. Policy makers, planners and researchers in the field will find this volume a welcome aid to their work.’</i>
- Alex C. Michalos, editor of the Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research,