1. Introduction: Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and the Transformation of Regions Charlie Karlsson and Urban Gråsjö 2. The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index Z. J. Acs 3. Startups and their Effects on Local Development: The case of Sweden H. Westlund, A. Rader Olsson and J. P. Larsson 4. Open Innovation Profiles in Italian Manufacturing Companies M. Crema, K. Venturini and C. Verbano 5. Business Networking in Oxfordshire: Scope and regional dynamics H. Lawton Smith and S. Romeo 6. Trends and Patterns in Outsourcing and Offshoring in the European Automotive Industry P. Warda 7. The Role of Knowledge Heterogeneity on the Innovative Capability of Industrial Districts N. Carbonara and M. Tavassoli 8. Absorptive Capacity and Exporting and Importing Decisions: An application for developing economies L. Márquez-Ramos, I. Martínez-Zarzoso and F. Johannsen 9. The M&A Exit: Science-Based Firms Mattia Cattaneo, M. Meoli, S. Paleari and S. Vismara 10. Geographic Concentration and Vertical Disintegration in KIBS: Evidence from the metropolitan area of Milan R. Antonietti and G. Cainelli 11. The Comprehensive Role of Knowledge and Institutional Endowments on Regional Transformation:Evidence from Skåne, Sweden A. Aggelakis 12. Unlocking the Potential of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The role of local policy in cities D. Hackler 13. Implementation of a Cluster Based Local Development Strategy: A comparative analysis of Danish and American experiences based on the medium sized town regions of Eau Claire and Sønderborg A. P. Cornett, M. DaCosta and M. B. Ingstrup 14. Impact of Government Support Policy on the Performance of SMEs in the Regional Industries of South Korea S. Doh, B. Kim and S. Kim 15. Enterprise Support in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods: Some challenges and lessons for government intervention H. Huggins and N. Williams
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