"The debates in <i>David Harvey: A Critical Reader</i> highlight the importance of thinking about space as something materially produced and in process ... The discussion also leads to considerations of the urban as a way of life. The tension between these two strands makes this anthology fertile ground for attempts at a synthesis."<br /> <i>Radical Philosophy </i><br /> <p>"<i>David Harvey: A Critical Reader</i> is a landmark assessment of the work, and diverse influences, of this leading geographer-cum-social theorist. No stodgy hagiography, the <i>Reader</i> presents a series of punchy, personal, political, and often profound reflections on four decades of Harvey’s contributions. In locating Harvey and his interlocutors, the <i>Reader</i> also suggestively maps out the shifting terrain of critical thinking around the spatialities of late capitalism." <i>Jamie Peck, University of Wisconsin-Madison</i><br /> </p> <p><br /> </p> <p>"Few contemporary thinkers have been untouched by David Harvey, even in opposition, as this collection of brilliant essays attests. And, after the critics’ scalpels have done their bit of nip and tuck, he comes off still looking rather well for his age." <i>R. A. Walker, University of California, Berkeley</i><br /> </p> <p>"The <i>Critical Reader</i> offers a set of inspiring and non-hagiographic reflections on the intellectual legacy of David Harvey that will be an invaluable read not only for geographers but for all social scientists committed to the pursuit of a critical and transformative understanding of the world."<br /> <i>Ugo Rossi, Universita L’Orientale of Naples, Italy<br /> </i><br /> </p> <p><br /> </p>
Biographical note
Noel Castree is a Professor in the School of Environment and Development at Manchester University. His previous publications include Nature: The Adventures of an Idea (2005), Spaces of Work (2004), Social Nature (Blackwell Publishing, 2001) and Remaking Reality (1998).Derek Gregory is a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia. His previous publications include The Colonial Present (Blackwell Publishing, 2004) and Geographical Imaginations (Blackwell Publishing, 1995).