"…-the rigour in the book is to be found in Part II, and particularly in the discussion of geo-spatial database management systems. For anybody who has expertise in or curiosity about topological structures, geometrical primitives or ISO standard 19107 on GIS schema, then this book will be of much interest. It ably advances the debate-albeit along technical lines-about how to represent the full spatial extent of legal rights in a digital medium. To the extent that Stoter's thesis forms the core of this book, then Robertson Davies' further observation that the thesis "stamps us for life as creatures of guaranteed intellectual worth" is a fitting epigram for the book."
-Brian Ballantyne, Geomatica, Vol. 60, No. 3, 2006
"This book brings to the fore a series of considerations for the state of land registration that have not been needed in the past but which seem mandatory for the future."
Biographical note
Jantien E. Stoter, Peter van Oosterom