This volume collects the papers given at the European Workshop "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems" which, adhering to an invitation of the European Few-Body Physics Research Committee, was organized in Rome on October 7-11, 1986. All papers presented at the workshop appear in the volume, plus two papers which could not be presented orally because their authors were at the last moment unable to attend. The list of contents closely follows the programme of the workshop. The workshop, attended by 128 American, European, and Japanese physicists from 60 different institutions and universities, was sponsored by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (lNFN) and was organized by the INFN Section located at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS), which kindly provided the venue for the meeting and many related facilities. The goal of the workshop was to summarize the present situa tion and the future perspectives concerning the theoretical descriptions of strongly interacting few-body systems and their experimental investigation by electromagnetic and hadronic probes, mainly at intermediate energies. To this end, representatives from most international groups working within different theoretical methods and with different experimental facilities, were invited and asked to illustrate their latest results and future research programs; the intention was to provide, by this way, an impartial and broad information which could be useful to whom is actively working in few body physics, as well as to young students entering this field of research.
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This volume collects the papers given at the European Workshop "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems" which, adhering to an invitation of the European Few-Body Physics Research Committee, was organized in Rome on October 7-11, 1986.
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Session I “Theoretical Frameworks in Few-Body Physics”.- The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction.- Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction Above Pion Threshold.- Skyrme Solitons, Effective Lagrangians, and Static Properties of Baryons.- Resonating-Group Method and Pauli Repulsion of Clusters.- Meson-Theoretical Models of Three-Nucleon Forces.- Faddeev Equations for Bound and Scattering States.- Integral-Equation Approach to Few-Body Collision Problems.- Coulomb Effects on Few-Body Scattering States.- Recent Developments in Hyperspherical Harmonic Method.- Panel Session “Reports on Progress in Realistic Calculations for Three- and Four-Nucleon Systems”.- Three-Body Calculations at Los Alamos.- Few-Body Calculations at Sendai.- High-Order Perturbation Theory with Three-Body Forces in the Faddeev Scheme.- Few-Body Calculations at Sapporo.- Variational Monte Carlo Calculations of Few-Body Nuclei.- Hyperspherical Calculations for Four-Nucleon Systems.- Discussion on Realistic Calculations for Three- and Four-Nucleon Systems.- Session II “Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering”.- The Nucleon-Deuteron Interaction.- Predictions of Meson-Theoretical Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions for Nucleon-Deuteron Scattering Observables.- Coulomb-Modified Faddeev Calculations of Low-Energy p-d Observables.- Session III “Few-Body Clusters and Reactions”.- An Algebraic Approach to Multichannel Scattering by Negative-Energy Weinberg States.- Faddeev-Yakubovsky Calculation of 4-Alpha Particle System with Realistic Alpha-Alpha Interactions.- Alpha-Deuteron Break-Up Calculations with Coulomb Interaction.- Symmetry Breaking in Nuclear Reactions: Asymmetry in ? + d ? 3He + 3H.- Three-Body Calculation of 9Be.- Session IV “Polarization Effects”.- Polarization Effects in Photo- and Electrodisintegration of theDeuteron.- Polarized Radiative Capture Experiments and the D-State of 4He and 3He.- The Two-Nucleon Ground State.- Session V “Final State Interaction, Meson-Exchange Currents, Scaling”.- On the Theory of Exchange Currents.- Photo- and Electrodisintegration of the Few-Body Systems.- y-Scaling.- Continuum Calculations.- Continuum-State Calculations for the Reaction 3He(e, e?p)d.- Panel Session “Reports on Progress in Electron Scattering Experiments”.- 1. Latest Experimental Resultss.- Electron Scattering and Few-Nucleon Systems.- Recent Studies of Two- and Three-Nucleon Elastic Form Factors.- Few-Body Studies at Bates: Recent Past and Near Future.- Proton and Deuteron Form Factors at Large-Momentum Transfer.- Electrodisintegration of Few-Body Systems at SLAC and the y-Scaling Approach.- High-Momentum Components and Many-Body Effects in 3He(e, e?p) and 3He(e, e?) Experiments.- Electrodisintegration of 3He Studied with the Proton Knockout Reaction (e, e?p).- Photodisintegration of Light Nuclei with the LADON Photon Beam.- 2. Research Programs.- Future Experimental Developments for Few-Body Physics at NIKHEF-K.- Future Experimental Developments for Few-Body Physics at Mainz.- Forward and Backward Deuteron Photodisintegration Cross Section and a Tagged Photon-Beam from Bremsstrahlung on an Argon Jet Target.- Future Experimental Developments in Few-Body Physics at Bonn.- Session VI “Relativistic and Quark Effects”.- Relativistic Equations.- Relativistic Calculations in Few-Body Systems.- Relativistic Faddeev Calculations of INN Systems.- Quarks in Nucleons and Nuclei.- The Nucleon Form Factor in QCD.- The NN Interaction and the Structure of Few-Nucleon Systems Within QCB.- On Description of Nucleon and Pion Form Factors in Quantum Chromodynamics.- SessionVII “Hadronic Probes of Few-Nucleon System”.- Hadronic Probes of Few-Nucleon Systems.- Pion Interaction with Few-Body Systems Experiments at SIN.- Antinucleon-Nucleus Experiments.- Session VIII “Highlights of Recent Few-Body Conferences”.- Highlights of the International Symposium on the Three-Body Force in the Three-Nucleon System.- Highlights at Few Body XI.- Session IX “Future Experimental Developments”.- The CEBAF Project and Its Few-Body Research Program.- Monochromatic and Polarized Gamma Ray Beams for the Study of Few-Body Interactions.- The TRIUMF Kaon-Factory Proposal.- The EHF Project and Its Research Program.- List of Participants.- Electronic Mail Directory.
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Springer Book Archives
Springer Book Archives
Springer Verlag GmbH
244 mm
170 mm
Research, P, 06
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