<p>From the reviews:</p>
<p>"This presents a comprehensive and detailed overview of the structure of supersymmetric black hole solutions in supergravity, critical point structure in the scalar field moduli space and the thermodynamic consequences. This second volume alone makes the set a worthwhile addition to the research library of any university active in fundamental theoretical physics." (Kellogg S Stelle, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Issue 24, 2007)</p>
<p>"The book under review is the second in a series devoted to supersymmetric mechanics. It concerns black hole solutions in supergravity theories. The book is divided into nine chapters. … This book provides very nice lectures on a powerful application of supersymmetry to the description of black hole entropy. … The text should be suggested as a reference book to students and researchers interested in the topic of attractor mechanism and related matters." (Sergio L. Cacciatori, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2008 c)</p>