Kraghs book is not a light read, but for those interested it is fascinatingly detailed and wonderfully researched ... This is definitely a book for the determined but it is an eminent rewarding for those who make the effort.
R.S. Shorter, Contemporary Physics
In this new book, Helge Kragh fills in the details of Bohr's early career and how it affected science, not to mention Bohr himself. As befits a science historian, Kragh commendably links Bohr's enduring contributions to the painstaking efforts of the many researchers who found the various tiny pieces of the atomic jigsaw and helped fit them together.
Cern Courier
Kragh's writing is vivid and clear, and he makes effective use of quotations from correspondences and recollections to convey a feeling of the multiform responses of contemporaries to the events described.
Arianna Borrelli, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
Drawing on an enormous amount of mathematically challenging primary and secondary source material, Helge Kragh provides a panoramic overview of the genesis, development, and demise of the so-called old quantum theory that, for over a decade, guided physicists in their attempts to unravel the mysteries of atomic spectra and atomic structure.
Michel Janssen, Isis