Biographical note
Subhendu Chakroborty received his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Chemistry from Ravenshaw University (India). He is an associate professor and Deputy Registrar at Chandigarh University, India. He has received the Best Keynote Speaker award at the International Summit and Conference on Material Science Nanotechnology & Bio Manufacturing (ISCMNB), Malaysia, and was a winner of the International Picture Contest Award illustrating “Everything is Chemistry” conducted by the European Chemical Society. His research interests include the synthesis of perovskite and 2D nanomaterials for applications in biomedicine, sensors, biomaterials, functional materials, and drug delivery. With over 12 years of experience in teaching and research, he has produced more than 40 scientific publications, including original research papers, review articles, textbooks, and invited book chapters in material science and medicinal chemistry by internationally reputed major presses. He is a member (MRSC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK, and the American Chemical Society (ACS). He served as a repeated scientific reviewer for several international journals.