Biographical note
Márton Veress
He is a biology-geography secondary school teacher. Between 1969 and 1984 he worked in public education and from 1984 to 2016 (until retirement) at Berzsenyi Dániel College (and at its institutions of legal successor). He obtained PhD in 1997 and DsC in 2004 and habilitated in 2001. He was the head of the Department of Geography and Department of Physical Geography for several periods. He was the head of the Institute of Geography and Environmental Science and the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences for several periods. For some years he was the head of the Doctorate School of Environmental Science. At present he is Professor Emeritus.
His research area is karst, he studied mainly covered karst, karren and glaciokarst. In addition, he also deals with the modelling of karst. His field researches involved the Bakony Mountains (Hungary), the karsts of the Alps and the Dinarides. During his expeditions he also investigated the karsts of South China, Turkey, Madagascar, Chile (the island of Diego de almagro) and Russia (Lena). The number of his articles is 180, the number of his monographs and book chapters is 45 (23 are in English language). He is a member of the Editorial Board at Springer Publisher and Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Karsztfejlődés.