These volumes contain a collection of essays by many of the closest co-workers of Raphael Høegh-Krohn, 1938–88, one of the outstanding mathematical physicists of our age. The contributions vary in style, purpose and content - some are surveys where leading experts sum up and clarify a subject area, others are new and adventurous expeditions into unknown territory. The topics cover most aspects of modern mathematical physics with special emphasis on methods from operator theory and stochastic analysis. Many of the papers are based on talks given at a symposium in honour of Høegh-Krohn at the University of Oslo; however the final volumes are far more than proceedings and great care has been taken to attract contributions from the leading researchers.
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Preface; Part I. Quantum Mechanics: 1. On the low density of Boson models: Langevin equation L. Accardi and L. Y. Gang; 2. Schrödinger operators with potentials supported by null sets S. Albeverio, J. E. Fenstad, R. Høegh-Krohn, W. Karwowski and T. Lindstrom; 3. Landau Hamiltonians on symmetric spaces J. E. Avron and A. Pnueli; 4. Renormalization group analysis and quasicrystals J. Bellissard; 5. The measurement problem in the stochastic formulation of quantum mechanics Ph. Blanchard, M. Cini and M. Serva; 6. Schrödinger operators at threshold D. Bollé; 7. Spectral analysis and scattering theory for Schrödinger operators with an interaction supported by a regular curve J. F. Brasche and A. Teta; 8. Lattice models of solids V. V. Evstratov and B. S. Pavlov; 9. Schrödinger operators on unusual manifolds P. Exner and P. Šeba; 10. High energy resolvent estimates for Schrödinger operators A. Jensen; 11. Point interactions as solvable models W. Kirsch; 12. Stochastic model of quantum mechanics V. P. Maslov; Part II. Quantum Field Theory: 13. Maximality of infinite dimensional Dirichlet forms and Høegh-Krohn's model of quantum fields S. Albeverio and S. Kusuoka; 14. Global Markov property in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics: a review on results and problems S. Albeverio and B. Zegarlinski; 15. Hypercontractivity: a bibliographic review E. B. Davies, L. B. Gross and B. Simon; 16. Progress and problems in algebraic quantum field theory S. Doplicher; 17. Høegh-Krohn's model of quantum fields and the absolute continuity of measures S. Kusuoka; 18. Baryon states in lattice QCD R. A. Minlos and E. A. Zhinzhina; 19. The energy of a Weyl soliton R. F. Streater; Part III. Statistical Physics: 20. Morphology and classification of galaxies: a stochastic model S. Albeverio, Ph. Blanchard, D. Gandolfo, R. Høegh-Krohn and M. Mebkhout; 21. Thermodynamic inequalities for the surface tension and the geometry of the Wulff construction R. L. Dobrushin and S. B. Shlosman; 22. Verification of the global Markov property for strongly coupled trigonometric interactions R. Gielerak; 23. Decomposition of Ising models and the Mayer expansion C. M. Newman and G. A. Baker, Jr; 24. Towards time-dynamics for bosonic systems in quantum statistical mechanics A. G. Shuhov, Yu. M. Suhov and A. V. Teslenko; 25. Towards time-dynamics for bosonic systems in quantum statistical mechanics, 2 A. G. Shuhov and Yu. M. Suhov.
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A collection of essays by many of the closest co-workers of Raphael Høegh-Krohn.


Cambridge University Press
910 gr
229 mm
30 mm
152 mm
P, 06
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