<p>From the reviews:</p>
<p>"Epitaxy has become increasingly important … . Still, a good monograph on this issue was lacking …. This gap is finally filled with a book that finds a good equilibrium … . As such, it will be very useful to students who are interested in advanced thin film growth, and researchers active in the field of low-dimensional heterostructures. … Throughout the work, a large number of references are cited … . this book will be a good guide for people interested in the growth and properties of low dimensional heterostructures and nanostructures." (André Vantomme, Physicalia, Vol. 57 (3), 2005)</p>
<p>"The book … contains experimental and theoretical aspects of the epitaxial growth process including very recent developments in a compact and clear manner. … represents a good opportunity for the interested reader to get used to the field of epitaxial growth of materials and should be of high interest to students, scientists, and engineers working in the field of material research, device research, and solid state physics or –chemistry. … this book should become a indispensable source of information for all crystal growers." (V. Gottschalch, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Issue: 11, 2004)</p>
<p>"In a uniform and comprehensive manner the authors describe all the important aspects of the epitaxial growth processes of solid films on crystalline substrates … . Emphasis is put on sufficiently fundamental and unequivocal presentation of the subject in the form of an easy-to-read review." (Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Issue: 10, 2004)</p>