<p>"The selection of the topics is quite good, as it discusses the interaction of a large array of compounds with the electromagnetic radiation. The general topic is very useful, as these interactions yield very useful information, for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, although they are nondestructive techniques."<br />— Mirela Praisler, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania</p><p>"This book can represent a good text book for senior-undergraduate and post-graduate students or experienced professionals that are looking to specialize in using the electromagnetic radiation in the analysis and processing of the various materials."<br />— George Amarandei, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland</p><p>"Authors provide a well-structured and self-contained book, yet concise, focused on selected topics related to the interactions of the electromagnetic radiations with organic matter, from small molecules to macromolecules and biological polymers. Each chapter addresses a specific subject and can be read it independently and in any order. The multidisciplinary approach supported by different methods of investigations and modern methods of analysis is a main strength of the content of the book. The accessible style used in explaining the complicated phenomena is of great advantage for the readers." <br />— Cristina Stan, University of Bucharest, Romania</p><p>"This is a well-structured and comprehensive book on a very important and relevant topic of modern physics and medicine. The book focuses on selected topics of interactions of electromagnetic radiation with organic matter, from small molecules to macromolecules and biological polymers. The multidisciplinary approach supported by different methods of investigations and modern methods of analysis is an important strength of the book. The accessible style used in explaining the complicated phenomena is of great advantage for the readers."<br />— Codrina Ionita-Schrittwieser, University of Innsbruck, Austria</p>
Biographical note
Dana Ortansa Dorohoi is Professor Emeritus at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Faculty of Physics. She obtained her PhD in Physics in 1978 and gained the academic title of Professor in Department of Optics and Spectroscopy at the same university in 1998. Subsequently she worked on her habilitation and to-date has supervised around 25 PhD theses. In 2012, she was awarded with the title of Professor Emeritus of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University. In parallel with her didactic activities she conducted scientific research on various topics, including liquid crystals, simple liquids, optics of crystals and liquid crystals, intermolecular interactions in solutions, and electro-optical parameters of the molecules. Professor Dorohoi’s scientific contributions developed over 43 years include interdisciplinary research for theoretical and experimental substantiations of the processes occurring in anisotropic media under electromagnetic radiations, thus developing new optical and spectral analysis methods of optical properties of materials in solution or solid state. She has published well over 165 ISI-indexed articles in the fields of physics of liquids and anisotropic media, macromolecular science, photochemistry, and radiation chemistry and is the author of 3 patents, over 10 books or books chapters, and over 35 research projects. Professor Dorohoi is referee for several scientific journals in the area of optics and molecular spectroscopy.
Andreea Irina Barzic has been a scientific researcher in the Department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers at the "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania, since 2005. She received her PhD in Chemistry from the Romanian Academy, Bucharest in 2009 and her PhD in Physics from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in 2014. Her major fields of interest include liquid crystals, optics of polymers, and structuring of materials under electromagnetic and shear fields. She has published over 35 papers in pe