Biographical note
Marc J. Assael is Emeritus Professor in Thermophysical Properties in the Chemical Engineering Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Thermophysics (Springer Nature).
Professor Geoffrey C. Maitland is Professor of Energy Engineering at Imperial College London and a Past President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (2014-15).
Dr. Thomas Maskow teaches at the TUD, the University of Leipzig, the BA Sachsen University of Cooperative Education. He was elected as chairperson of the International Society for Biological Calorimetry (ISBC) between 2010 and 2012 and is guest professor at the University of Geosciences in Wuhan (China).
Professor Dr. Urs von Stockar is currently a honorary professor (prof. emeritus) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL).
Professor Sir William Wakeham is is Emeritus Professor of Engineering at the University of Southampton, UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and has been its Senior Vice-President and International Secretary and holds the Academy’s Silver Medal for Engineering Excellence.
Professor Stefan Will is a full professor in Engineering Thermodynamics at the Department of Chemical and Bioengineering of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany.