A guide to the chemical agents that protect plants from various environmental stressors

Protective Chemical Agents in the Amelioration of Plant Abiotic Stress offers a guide to the diverse chemical agents that have the potential to mitigate different forms of abiotic stresses in plants. Edited by two experts on the topic, the book explores the role of novel chemicals and shows how using such unique chemical agents can tackle the oxidative damages caused by environmental stresses.

Exogenous application of different chemical agents or chemical priming of seeds presents opportunities for crop stress management. The use of chemical compounds as protective agents has been found to improve plant tolerance significantly in various crop and non-crop species against a range of different individually applied abiotic stresses by regulating the endogenous levels of the protective agents within plants. This important book:

  • Explores the efficacy of various chemical agents to eliminate abiotic stress
  • Offers a groundbreaking look at the topic and reviews the most recent advances in the field
  • Includes information from noted authorities on the subject
  • Promises to benefit agriculture under stress conditions at the ground level

Written for researchers, academicians, and scientists, Protective Chemical Agents in the Amelioration of Plant Abiotic Stress details the wide range of protective chemical agents, their applications, and their intricate biochemical and molecular mechanism of action within the plant systems during adverse situations.

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List of Contributors xix

1 Role of Proline and Glycine Betaine in Overcoming Abiotic Stresses 1
Murat Dikilitas, Eray Simsek, and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Responses of Crop Plants Under Abiotic Stresses 2

1.3 Mechanisms of Osmoprotectant Functions in Overcoming Stress 3

1.4 Application of Osmoprotectants in Stress Conditions 7

1.5 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 14

Acknowledgment 14

References 15

2 Glycine Betaine and Crop Abiotic Stress Tolerance: An Update 24
Giridara-Kumar Surabhi and Arpita Rout

2.1 Introduction 24

2.2 Biosynthesis of GB 25

2.3 Accumulation of GB Under Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants 26

2.4 Exogenous Application of GB in Crop Plants Under Abiotic Stress 27

2.5 Transgenic Approach to Enhance GB Accumulation in Crop Plants Under Abiotic Stress 33

2.6 Effect of GB on Reproductive Stage in Different Crops 35

2.7 Pyramiding GB Synthesizing Genes for Enhancing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 41

2.8 Conclusion and Future Prospective 43

Acknowledgment 43

Reference 44

3 Osmoprotective Role of Sugar in Mitigating Abiotic Stress in Plants 53
Farhan Ahmad, Ananya Singh, and Aisha Kamal

3.1 Introduction 53

3.2 Involvement of Sugar in Plant Developmental Process 54

3.3 Multidimensional Role of Sugar Under Optimal and Stressed Conditions 55

References 62

4 Sugars and Sugar Polyols in Overcoming Environmental Stresses 71
Saswati Bhattacharya and Anirban Kundu

4.1 Introduction 71

4.2 Types of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols 72

4.3 Mechanism of Action of Sugars and Polyols 77

4.4 Involvement of Sugars and Polyols in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 82

4.5 Engineering Abiotic Stress Tolerance Using Sugars and Sugar Alcohols 87

4.6 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 91

References 92

5 Ascorbate and Tocopherols in Mitigating Oxidative Stress 102
Kingsuk Das

5.1 Introduction 102

5.2 Role of Ascorbic Acid in Plant Physiological Processes 103

5.3 Transgenic Approaches for Overproduction of Ascorbate Content for Fight Against Abiotic Stress 104

5.4 Conclusion 113

References 114

6 Role of Glutathione Application in Overcoming Environmental Stress 122
Nimisha Amist and N. B. Singh

6.1 Introduction 122

6.2 Glutathione Molecular Structure 123

6.3 Glutathione Biosynthesis and Distribution 124

6.4 Glutathione-induced Oxidative Stress Tolerance 127

6.5 Impact of Abiotic Stress on Glutathione Content in Various Plants 129

6.6 Exogenous Application of GSH in Plants 131

6.7 Cross Talk on Glutathione Signaling Under Abiotic Stress 131

6.8 Conclusion 137

References 137

7 Modulation of Abiotic Stress Tolerance Through Hydrogen Peroxide 147
Murat Dikilitas, Eray Simsek, and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

7.1 Introduction 147

7.2 Abiotic Stress in Crop Plants 149

7.3 Mechanisms of Hydrogen Peroxide in Cells 149

7.4 Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Overcoming Stress 154

7.5 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 163

Acknowledgment 163

References 163

8 Exogenous Nitric Oxide- and Hydrogen Sulfide-induced Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 174
Mirza Hasanuzzaman, M. H. M. Borhannuddin Bhuyan, Kamrun Nahar, Sayed Mohammad Mohsin, Jubayer Al Mahmud, Khursheda Parvin, and Masayuki Fujita

8.1 Introduction 174

8.2 Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis in Plants 175

8.3 Hydrogen Sulfide Biosynthesis in Plants 177

8.4 Application Methods of NO and H2S Donors in Plants 178

8.5 Exogenous NO-induced Abiotic Stress Tolerance 178

8.6 Conclusions and Outlook 202

References 203

9 Role of Nitric Oxide in Overcoming Heavy Metal Stress 214
Pradyumna Kumar Singh, Madhu Tiwari, Maria Kidwai, Dipali Srivastava, Rudra Deo Tripathi, and Debasis Chakrabarty

9.1 Introduction 214

9.2 Nitric Oxide and Osmolyte Synthesis During Heavy Metal Stress 216

9.3 Relation of Nitric Oxide and Secondary Metabolite Modulation in Heavy Metal Stress 217

9.4 Regulation of Redox Regulatory Mechanism by Nitric Oxide 218

9.5 Nitric Oxide and Hormonal Cross Talk During Heavy Metal Stress 222

9.6 Conclusion 227

References 227

10 Protective Role of Sodium Nitroprusside in Overcoming Diverse Environmental Stresses in Plants 238
Satabdi Ghosh

10.1 Introduction 238

10.2 Role of SNP in Alleviating Abiotic Stress 239

10.3 Conclusion and Future Prospect 245

Acknowledgments 245

References 245

11 Role of Growth Regulators and Phytohormones in Overcoming Environmental Stress 254
Deepesh Bhatt, Manoj Nath, Mayank Sharma, Megha D. Bhatt, Deepak Singh Bisht, and Naresh V. Butani

11.1 Introduction 254

11.2 Function of Classical Plant Hormones in Stress Mitigation 256

11.3 Role of Specialized Stress-responsive Hormones 260

11.4 Hormone Cross Talk and Stress Alleviation 265

11.5 Conclusions and Future Perspective 268

References 268

12 Abscisic Acid Application and Abiotic Stress Amelioration 280
Nasreena Sajjad , Eijaz Ahmed Bhat, Durdana Shah, Abubakar Wani, Nazish Nazir, Rohaya Ali, and Sumaya Hassan

12.1 Introduction 280

12.2 Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis 281

12.3 Role of Abscisic Acid in Plant Stress Tolerance 282

12.4 Regulation of ABA Biosynthesis Through Abiotic Stress 282

12.5 ABA and Abiotic Stress Signaling 283

12.6 Drought Stress 284

12.7 UV-B Stress 284

12.8 Water Stress 285

12.9 ABA and Transcription Factors in Stress Tolerance 285

12.10 Conclusion 286

References 286

13 Role of Polyamines in Mitigating Abiotic Stress 291
Rohaya Ali, Sumaya Hassan, Durdana Shah, Nasreena Sajjad, and Eijaz Ahmed Bhat

13.1 Introduction 291

13.2 Distribution and Function of Polyamines 293

13.3 Synthesis, Catabolism, and Role of Polyamines 293

13.4 Polyamines and Abiotic Stress 295

13.5 Conclusion 299

References 300

14 Role of Melatonin in Amelioration of Abiotic Stress-induced Damages 306
Nasreena Sajjad, Eijaz Ahmed Bhat, Sumaya Hassan, Rohaya Ali , and Durdana Shah

14.1 Introduction 306

14.2 Melatonin Biosynthesis in Plants 306

14.3 Modulation of Melatonin Levels in Plants Under Stress Conditions 307

14.4 Role of Melatonin in Amelioration of Stress-induced Damages 309

14.5 Mechanisms of Melatonin-mediated Stress Tolerance 311

14.6 Conclusion 313

References 313

15 Brassinosteroids in Lowering Abiotic Stress-mediated Damages 318
Gunjan Sirohi and Meenu Kapoor

15.1 Introduction 318

15.2 BR-induced Stress Tolerance in Plants 319

15.3 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 323

References 323

16 Strigolactones in Overcoming Environmental Stresses 327
Megha D. Bhatt, and Deepesh Bhatt

16.1 Introduction 327

16.2 Various Roles of SLs in Plants 331

16.3 Cross Talk Between Other Phytohormones and SLs 335

16.4 Conclusion 336

References 336

17 Emerging Roles of Salicylic Acid and Jasmonates in Plant Abiotic Stress Responses 342
Parankusam Santisree, Lakshmi Chandra Lekha Jalli, Pooja Bhatnagar-Mathur, and Kiran K. Sharma

17.1 Introduction 342

17.2 Salicylic Acid 343

17.3 Biosynthesis and Metabolism of SA 343

17.4 SA in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 346

17.5 Signaling of SA Under Abiotic Stress 351

17.6 Jasmonic Acid 352

17.7 Physiological Function of Jasmonates 353

17.8 Biosynthesis of Jasmonic Acid 354

17.9 JA Signaling in Plants 355

17.10 JA and Abiotic Stress 356

17.11 Role of Jasmonates in Temperature Stress 357

17.12 Metal Stress and Role of Jasmonates 358

17.13 Jasmonates and Salt Stress 359

17.14 Jasmonates and Water Stress 360

17.15 Cross Talk Between JA and SA Under Abiotic Stress 361

17.16 Concluding Remarks 362

Acknowledgments 363

References 363

18 Multifaceted Roles of Salicylic Acid and Jasmonic Acid in Plants Against Abiotic Stresses 374
Nilanjan Chakraborty , Anik Sarkar, and Krishnendu Acharya

18.1 Introduction 374

18.2 Biosynthesis of SA and JA 374

18.3 Exogenous Application of SA and JA in Abiotic Stress Responses 377

18.4 Future Goal and Concluding Remarks 378

References 383

19 Brassinosteroids and Salicylic Acid as Chemical Agents to Ameliorate Diverse Environmental Stresses in Plants 389
B. Vidya Vardhini

19.1 Introduction 389

19.2 Overview of PGRs 389

19.3 BRs and SA in Ameliorating Abiotic Stresses 390

19.4 Conclusion 400

References 400

20 Role of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in the Mitigation of Abiotic Stress in Plants 413
Ankur Singh and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

20.1 Introduction 413

20.2 GABA Metabolism 414

20.3 Protective Role of GABA Under Different Stresses 415

20.4 Conclusion and Future Perspective 419

Acknowledgments 419

Reference 420

21 Isoprenoids in Plant Protection Against Abiotic Stress 424
Syed Uzma Jalil and Mohammad Israil Ansari

21.1 Introduction 424

21.2 Synthesis of Free Radicals During Abiotic Stress Conditions 426

21.3 Biosynthesis of Isoprenoids in Plants 427

21.4 Functions and Mechanisms of Isoprenoids During Abiotic Stresses 428

21.5 Conclusion 430

Acknowledgments 431

References 431

22 Involvement of Sulfur in the Regulation of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 437
Santanu Samanta, Ankur Singh, and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

22.1 Introduction 437

22.2 Sulfur Metabolism 438

22.3 Sulfur Compounds Having Potential to Ameliorate Abiotic Stress 438

22.4 Role of Sulfur Compounds During Salinity Stress 441

22.5 Role of Sulfur Compounds During Drought Stress 443

22.6 Role of Sulfur Compounds During Temperature Stress 444

22.7 Role of Sulfur Compounds During Light Stress 446

22.8 Role of Sulfur Compounds in Heavy Metal Stress 447

22.9 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 452

Acknowledgments 452

References 453

23 Role of Thiourea in Mitigating Different Environmental Stresses in Plants 467
Vikas Yadav Patade, Ganesh C. Nikalje, and Sudhakar Srivastava

23.1 Introduction 467

23.2 Modes of TU Application 468

23.3 Biological Roles of TU Under Normal Conditions 469

23.4 Role of Exogenous Application of TU in Mitigation of Environmental Stresses 470

23.5 Mechanisms of TU-mediated Enhanced Stress Tolerance 474

23.6 Success Stories of TU Application at Field Level 476

23.7 Conclusion 477

References 478

24 Oxylipins and Strobilurins as Protective Chemical Agents to Generate Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 483
Aditya Banerjee and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

24.1 Introduction 483

24.2 Signaling Mediated by Oxylipins 484

24.3 Roles of Oxylipins in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 484

24.4 Role of Strobilurins in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 486

24.5 Conclusion 487

24.6 Future Perspectives 487

Acknowledgments 487

References 487

25 Role of Triacontanol in Overcoming Environmental Stresses 491
Abbu Zaid, Mohd. Asgher, Ishfaq Ahmad Wani, and Shabir H. Wani

25.1 Introduction 491

25.2 Environmental Stresses and Tria as a Principal Stress-Alleviating Component in Diverse Crop Plants 493

25.3 Assessment of Foliar and Seed Priming Tria Application in Regulating Diverse Physio-biochemical Traits in Plants 497

25.4 Conclusion and Future Prospects 499

Acknowledgments 502

References 502

26 Penconazole, Paclobutrazol, and Triacontanol in Overcoming Environmental Stress in Plants 510
Saket Chandra and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

26.1 Introduction 510

26.2 Nature of Damages by Different Abiotic Stresses 512

26.3 Synthesis of Chemicals 515

26.4 Role of Exogenously Added Penconazole, Paclobutrazol, and Triacontanol During Stress 516

26.5 Conclusion 523

Acknowledgment 524

References 524

27 Role of Calcium and Potassium in Amelioration of Environmental Stress in Plants 535
Jainendra Pathak, Haseen Ahmed, Neha Kumari, Abha Pandey, Rajneesh, and Rajeshwar P. Sinha

27.1 Introduction 535

27.2 Biological Functions of Calcium and Potassium in Plants 537

27.3 Calcium and Potassium Uptake, Transport, and Assimilation in Plants 538

27.4 Calcium- and Potassium-induced Abiotic Stress Signaling 540

27.5 Role of Calcium and Potassium in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 542

27.6 Waterlogging Conditions 550

27.7 High Light Intensity 550

27.8 Conclusion 551

Acknowledgments 551

References 552

28 Role of Nitric Oxide and Calcium Signaling in Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 563
Zaffar Malik, Sobia Afzal, Muhammad Danish, Ghulam Hassan Abbasi, Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari, Muhammad Imran Khan, Muhammad Dawood, Muhammad Kamran, Mona H. Soliman, Muhammad Rizwan, Haifa Abdulaziz S. Alhaithloulf, and Shafaqat Ali

28.1 Introduction 563

28.2 Sources of Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis in Plants 565

28.3 Effects of Nitric Oxide on Plants Under Abiotic Stresses 566

28.4 Role of Calcium Signaling During Abiotic Stresses 571

References 575

29 Iron, Zinc, and Copper Application in Overcoming Environmental Stress 582
Titash Dutta, Nageswara Rao Reddy Neelapu, and Challa Surekha

29.1 Introduction 582

29.2 Iron 586

29.3 Zinc 587

29.4 Copper 588

29.5 Conclusion 590

References 590

30 Role of Selenium and Manganese in Mitigating Oxidative Damages 597
Saket Chandra and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

30.1 Introduction 597

30.2 Factors Augmenting Oxidative Stress 599

30.3 Effects of Heavy Metals on Plants 601

30.4 Role of Manganese (Mn) in Controlling Oxidative Stress 604

30.5 Role of Selenium (Se) in Controlling Oxidative Stress 607

30.6 Role of Antioxidants in Counteracting ROS 608

30.7 Role of Se in Re-establishing Cellular Structure and Function 609

30.8 Conclusion 610

Acknowledgment 611

References 611

31 Role of Silicon Transportation Through Aquaporin Genes for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants 622
Ashwini Talakayala, Srinivas Ankanagari, and Mallikarjuna Garladinne

31.1 Introduction 622

31.2 Aquaporins 623

31.3 Molecular Mechanism of Water and Si Transportation Through Aquaporins 624

31.4 AQP Gating Influx/Outflux 624

31.5 Si-induced AQP Trafficking 627

31.6 Roles of Aquaporins in Plant–Water Relations Under Abiotic Stress 627

31.7 Role of Silicon in Abiotic Stress Tolerance 627

31.8 Si-mediated Drought Tolerance Through Aquaporins 627

31.9 Si-mediated Salinity Tolerance Through Aquaporins 628

31.10 Si-mediated Oxidative Tolerance Through Aquaporins 629

31.11 Si Mediated Signal Transduction Pathway Under Biotic Stress 630

31.12 Conclusion 630

References 630

32 Application of Nanoparticles in Overcoming Different Environmental Stresses 635
Deepesh Bhatt, Megha D. Bhatt, Manoj Nath, Rachana Dudhat, Mayank Sharma, and Deepak Singh Bisht

32.1 Introduction 635

32.2 Physicochemical Properties of Nanoparticles 637

32.3 Mode of Synthesis of Nanoparticles 638

32.4 Types of Nanoparticles and Their Role in Stress Acclimation 639

32.5 Types of Environmental Stresses 646

32.6 Possible Protective Mechanism of Nanoparticles 649

32.7 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 650

References 650

Index 655

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Protective Chemical Agents in the Amelioration of Plant Abiotic Stress offers a guide to the diverse chemical agents that have the potential to mitigate different forms of abiotic stresses in plants. Edited by two experts on the topic, the book explores the role of novel chemicals and shows how using such unique chemical agents can tackle the oxidative damages caused by environmental stresses.

Exogenous application of different chemical agents or chemical priming of seeds presents opportunities for crop stress management. The use of chemical compounds as protective agents has been found to improve plant tolerance significantly in various crop and non-crop species against a range of different individually applied abiotic stresses by regulating the endogenous levels of the protective agents within plants. This important book:

  • Explores the efficacy of various chemical agents to eliminate abiotic stress
  • Offers a groundbreaking look at the topic and reviews the most recent advances in the field
  • Includes information from noted authorities on the subject
  • Promises to benefit agriculture under stress conditions at the ground level

Written for researchers, academics, and scientists, Protective Chemical Agents in the Amelioration of Plant Abiotic Stress details the wide range of protective chemical agents, their applications, and their intricate biochemical and molecular mechanism of action within the plant systems during adverse situations.

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1338 gr
249 mm
170 mm
36 mm
P, 06
Product language
Product format
Antall sider

Biographical note


ARYADEEP ROYCHOUDHURY is Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata, India.

DURGESH KUMAR TRIPATHI is Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India.