Ocimum species has been used as a traditional remedy for various ailments such as arthritis, bronchitis, cold, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and flatulence, as well as for healing wounds and lowering blood glucose level. These are characterized by variations in their morphology such as the shape, size and pigmentation of leaves, which cause differences in chemical composition and affect the commercial value of this genus. This book describes phytochemical investigations of Ocimum species using LC-MS/MS instruments to study qualitative and quantitative variations of phytochemicals in different Ocimum species.
- Collection of Ayurvedic features and scientific analytical and pharmacological evidence of most important medicinal plants of genus Ocimum.
- Chemical signatures for the identification of Ocimum species.
- Easy-to-use analytical procedure for quality control of plants of Ocimum species and its herbal products.
Biographical note
Dr. Brijesh Kumar is a Professor (AcSIR) and Chief Scientist of sophisticated analytical instrument facility division, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow. India. He has completed his PhD from CSIR-CDRI Lucknow (Dr. RML Avadh University Faizabad UP, India). Currently he is facility in charge at Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF) division of CSIR-CDRI. He has to his credit more than 7 book chapters, three book and 145 papers in International journal of repute. His current area of research is applications of Mass Spectrometry tools (DART MS/Q-TOF LC-MS/4000 Q Trap LC-MS/ Orbitrap MSn) for qualitative and quantitative analysis molecules for quality control and authentication/standardization of Indian medicinal plants/parts and their herbal formulations. He is also involved in identification of marker compounds using statistical software to check adulteration/substitution.
Vikas Bajpai completed his PhD from the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), New Delhi, India and carried his research work under supervision of Dr. Brijesh Kumar at CSIR-Central Drug research Institute Lucknow. His research includes development and validation of LC-MS/MS methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of small molecules, Indian medicinal plants and phytochemicals.
Ms. Surabhi Tiwari completed her masters from the University of Allahabad India in Chemistry. She has worked in Pharmacognosy Division, NBRI, Lucknow, for analysis of herbals using instruments like- HPTLC and HPLC. Currently she is working as Senior Research Fellow in SAIF Division under supervision of Dr. Brijesh Kumar at CSIR-Central Drug research Institute Lucknow India. Her current research interest includes phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants.